Hive Open Mic Week #207 | Stay With Me - Sam Smith (Cover) by @yisusth [ENG/SPA]


Foto de Karina lago en Unsplash

Greetings to everyone in this beautiful Open Mic community. We are in week #207 where we explore the theme: "Who Is Missed", chosen by the recent featured artist in our community: @rico.csirait. Today I want to share with you my interpretation with the trumpet of "Stay with Me", a song that combines genres such as Pop Soul and gospel composed by Sam Smith with the collaboration of James Napier, William Phillips, Tom Petty and Jeff Lynne. This piece of music uses simple and emotional elements to convey a message of longing and vulnerability. The combination of pestal harmony, heartfelt melody, steady rhythm and minimalist instrumentation creates an intimate and moving atmosphere. The lyrics are an honest and touching plea for love and connection. The vulnerability and intensity make it really emotional. I play it in a low register which represents a challenge as well as playing it with high notes. It has a repetitive melody, which evolves in a simple way with small changes.

Spanish | Español (click here)

Saludos a todos en esta bella comunidad del Open Mic. Nos encontramos en la semana #207 donde exploramos la temática: "Who Is Missed", elegida por el reciente artista destacado de nuestra comunidad: @rico.csirait. Hoy deseo compartirles mi interpretación con la trompeta de «Stay with Me» una canción que combina géneros como el Pop Soul y el góspel compuesto por Sam Smith con la colaboración de James Napier, William Phillips, Tom Petty y Jeff Lynne. Esta pieza musical utiliza elementos simples y emotivos para transmitir un mensaje de anhelo y vulnerabilidad. La combinación de la armonía plagal, la melodía sentida, el ritmo constante y la instrumentación minimalista crea una atmósfera íntima y conmovedora. La letra es una súplica honesta y conmovedora de amor y conexión. La vulnerabilidad y la intensidad la hacen realmente emotiva. La interpreto en un registro grave lo cual representa un reto al igual que interpretarla con notas agudas. Tiene una melodía repetitiva, que va evolucionando de manera sencilla con pequeños cambios.


Foto de Pierre Bamin en Unsplash

Vulnerability is inherent to our humanity. We are part of an imperfect world with a mortal nature and are subject to the trials and afflictions of life. Life has its opposites, including light and darkness, good and evil, happiness and sadness. Opposition is necessary for our personal growth and development in different areas. In this Easter week we remember the Son of God and how he was able to overcome those frailties. I have a testimony of his sacrifice for humanity, but I also have a testimony of his redemptive power, and especially of freeing us from sorrows, afflictions of both the mind and spirit, as well as physical death. Regardless of your beliefs, there is no denying that his teachings and the story of his life have changed our perspective of how we see the fragile, sad and dangerous world. May God bless you so that you can understand his purpose in life and how his Grace and Mercy help us overcome those vulnerabilities.

Spanish | Español (click here)

La vulnerabilidad es inherente a nuestra humanidad. Somos parte de un mundo imperfecto con una naturaleza mortal y estamos sujetos a las pruebas y aflicciones de la vida. La vida tiene sus opuestos, incluyendo la luz y la oscuridad, el bien y el mal, la felicidad y la tristeza. La oposición es necesaria para nuestro crecimiento y desarrollo personal en diferentes ámbitos. En esta semana de Pascua recordamos al Hijo de Dios y cómo él pudo vencer esas fragilidades. Yo tengo un testimonio de su sacrificio por la humanidad, pero también lo tengo por su poder redentor, y en especial de liberarnos de los pesares, aflicciones tanto de la mente como del espíritu, así como también de la muerte física. Sin importar tus creencias, no se puede negar que sus enseñanzas y la historia de su vida han cambiado nuestra perspectiva de cómo vemos el mundo frágil, triste y peligroso. Que Dios les bendiga para que puedan comprender su propósito en la vida y cómo Su Gracia y Misericordia nos ayudan a vencer esas vulnerabilidades.

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-29 at 7.22.19 PM.jpeg

Stay With Me

Guess it's true, I'm not good at a one-night stand
But I still need love 'cause I'm just a man
These nights never seem to go to plan
I don't want you to leave, will you hold my hand?

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me

Why am I so emotional?
No, it's not a good look, gain some self-control
And deep down, I know this never works
But you can lay with me so it doesn't hurt

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me

Oh-oh-oh-ohh, oh-oh, oh-oh (Ooh)
Oh-oh-oh-ohh, oh-oh, oh-oh (Ohh)
Oh-oh-oh-ohh, oh-oh, oh-oh (Ohh)
Oh-oh-oh-ohh, oh-oh, oh-oh (Ohh)

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me

Oh, won't you stay with me?
'Cause you're all I need
This ain't love, it's clear to see
But darling, stay with me

Fuentes / Sources

ImagesObtained in Unsplash
Lyrics“Stay With Me” by Sam Smith on Genius
Thumbnail & BannerMade with Adobe Creative Cloud Express
GifsCreated with EZGif
Specific informationWoman´s Day
Original TrackSam Smith - Stay With Me (Official Music Video) (11).gif

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