Hive Open Mic Week 129 - Risalah Hati (Acoustic Cover) by Teofilus Sinaga

Hi all my friends, my name is Theophilus Sinaga. I come from Indonesia, precisely in the city of Medan. I am back to entertain you again on the weekly Hive #openmic event which has entered its 129th week with the theme "Trust". This theme was chosen by a talented female singer at Hive, namely @ruthlopez. This community is very interesting for me because it provides challenges every week with interesting themes. I have to find a song with the right theme. This challenge is what got me interested in this Hive Open Mic.

The most important belief for me is Trust in God, and the second is Trust in ourselves. Today I don't want to talk about the first, I want to talk about the second, which is Trust in ourselves. Are you Trust Your Self? If not, you must cultivate this attitude. Trusting in one's abilities will destroy anxiety and fear of taking action. That way, we will feel free to do the activities we live in and also have responsibility for ourselves.

Btw, I'm falling in love with a girl. She was a friend of mine when I was in middle school. We haven't seen each other in a long time, and last week God brought us together somewhere, and chatted about many things. Next Sunday, I will invite her to meet in a flower garden and confess my feelings to her. With great confidence, I will give her a rose and sing the song I will be performing today on Hive Open Mic. I believe, she will accept me to be her lover.

Indonesian Lyric

“Hidupku tanpa cintamu
Bagai malam tanpa bintang
Cintaku tanpa sambutmu
Bagai panas tanpa hujan
Jiwaku berbisik lirih
Kuharus memilikimu

Aku bisa membuatmu
Jatuh cinta kepadaku
Meski kau tak cinta kepadaku beri sedikit waktu
Biar cinta datang karena telah terbiasa

Simpan mawar yang kuberi
Mungkin wanginya mengilhami
Sudikah dirimu untuk kenali aku dulu
Sebelum kau ludahi aku
Sebelum kau robek hatiku”

English Lyric

“My life without your love
Like a night without stars
My love without your welcome
Like heat without rain
My soul whispers softly
I have to have you

I can make you
Fall in love with me
Even though you don't love me
Give a little time
Let love come because you are used to it

Save the rose I gave
Maybe the smell inspires
Would you like to get to know me first
Before you spit on me
Before you break my heart”

Lyric Source by Kapan Lagi

This song was popularized by an Indonesian band, Dewa-19, which was released in 2000 on the Bintang Lima album. Dewa-19 was formed by a famous musician, namely Ahmad Dhani. The song I play, entitled Risalah Hati, was written by Ahmad Dhani's ex-wife, Maia Estianty. This song has a meaning about expressing the heart of a man who is in love with a woman. The man will continue to try to make the woman feel comfortable and happy so that his love is not one-sided.

Thank you for listening to the songs I play, I hope you all enjoy the voice I sing. Greetings all. May we all be able to give love to all beings in the universe. Stay healthy, keep your spirit, and greetings from me.

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