Hive Open Mic Week 137 - Inikah Cinta (Acoustic Cover) by Teofilus Sinaga

Hi everybody. Introducing myself, my name is Theophilus Sinaga and I come from Indonesia to be precise to the city of Medan. Today, the weekly #openmic event has entered its 137th week with the theme of Healing. This theme was chosen by @jaydr, one of the great singers and spotlight artists in this hive community. The Hive Open Mic weekly music event is very interesting to me because it provides challenges from each theme of the week.

In this week's theme, I performed a cover song entitled “Inikah rasanya cinta?” in English “Is this Love?” written by Chrisye and popularized by M.E Voices. In my opinion, this song is suitable for this week's theme because every lyric is an impression and one's feelings when experiencing first love. Surely all of you have felt it. First love gives energy and encouragement to us to keep the spirit. Love is the best healing because when we fall in love, all feelings of depression and laziness will disappear.

I experienced my first love when I was in grade 2 junior high school. Before, I had never been excited about going to school, let alone studying in class. But when I fell in love with a girl at my school, there was a feeling of enthusiasm to go to school diligently to meet the girl I love. My motivation to study also increased after finding love. Love is the energy that drives one's motivation within.

Indonesian Lyric

Saat kujumpa dirinya
Di suatu suasana
Terasa getaran dalam dada
Kucoba mendekatinya
Kutatap dirinya
Oh dia sungguh mempesona

Ingin daku menyapanya
Menyapa dirinya
Bercanda tawa dengan dirinya
Namun apa yang kurasa
Aku tak kuasa
Aku tak tau harus berkata apa

Inikah namanya cinta
Inikah cinta
Cinta pada jumpa pertama
Inikah rasanya cinta
Inikah cinta
Terasa bahagia saat jumpa
Dengan dirinya

Kujumpa dia berikutnya
Suasana berbeda
Getaran itu masih ada
Aku dekati dirinya
Kutatap wajahnya
Oh dia tetap mempesona

English Lyric

When I met him
In an atmosphere
Feel the vibration in the chest
I try to approach him
I looked at him
Oh she's so charming

I want to greet him
Say hello to him
Laughing with himself
But what I guess
I'm powerless
I don't know what to say

Is this Love
Is this Love
Love at first meet
Is this what love feels like
Is this Love
Feel happy when we meet
With him

I'll see him next
Different atmosphere
The vibrations are still there
I approach him
I looked at his face
Oh she's still stunning

Lyric Source by

Thank you for listening to the songs I play, I hope you all enjoy the voice I sing. Greetings all. May we all be able to give love to all beings in the universe. Stay healthy, keep your spirit, and greetings from me. Below is the original version of the song I performed today.

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