
Hey everybody, welcome to my blog and this is another wonderful week of HIVE OPEN MIC which is WEEK 231. I am Rubiiess and for this week's entry I will be singing a cover of SUNSHINE by MARTINS HERO.

Being loved is something everyone needs to experience, sometimes we do hear people talk about how their partner loves them and cherishes them so much and we tend to wonder, this love, how is it? How can someone love another person without being mindful of the person's shortcomings, without taking into consideration the person's weak points and for this reason, we also want to love and be loved, we also want to feel loved. We all will find love, it is true that we all will experience love, but it will take time for us to get who truly loves us. Some people get people who love and cherish them on the first trial while some don't. When it comes to love, not everyone is lucky.

It hits differently when you realize the person you are with is actually your soul mate, and the search has been over. In times like that you will realize that love truly exists. A person can go extra mile or any length just to make sure the person he or she loves is fine and doing great, like hw the song writer quoted "I'll do everything to keep you, you can hold me tight, you can count on me, I will never let you fall" We can sometimes even deprive ourself comfort just to see that the perwon we love is comfortable. Indeed love is blind, it makes us do things we can never imagine doing and guess what, we are not bothered because the person is worth it, we will do all in our power to keep them close to us. You do not want to lose someone who loves you and you love that person also. So doing everything in your power to keep them has always been the plan.

I realize
You’re the one
I’ve been waiting for

You are my sunshine
On a cloudy day

I realize
You’re the one
I’ve been waiting for

You are my sunshine
On a cloudy day

When the sun comes down
I’ll be here waiting for you
Do you know what you mean to me ?

I realize
You’re the one
I’ve been waiting for

You are my sunshine
On a cloudy day

I realize
You’re the one
I’ve been waiting for

You are my sunshine
On a cloudy day

Lyrics or text source

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