Hive Open Mic #190. Grace - Jeff Buckley. Cover por @rasecdus

Saludos de nuevo queridos hivers! Por acá nuevamente @rasecdus con mi participación de esta semana en el Hive Open Mic.

El tema de esta semana es "Grace", o "gracia" en español, y el tema que les vengo a interpretar es ,justamente, "Grace" de Jeff Buckley, una de esas voces mágicas de los 90's que se nos fueron muy pronto.

Esta canción forma parte del trabajo homónimo "Grace" del año 1994, un álbum cargado de sonidos nostálgicos, con blues, soul y el característico sonido alternativo de esa época, todo aunado a su única y potente voz.

Mi interpretación de esta canción es que el habla de que cuando llegue su momento, se irá con gracia, quizás un presagio irónico de como partió de este mundo.

Sin más que decir, espero que mi interpretación sirva como un homenaje a quien en vida fue un excelente músico y compositor y uno de los que más admiro. Nos vemos pronto mi gente de la comunidad, y que viva la música


Greetings again dear hivers! Here I am again @rasecdus with my participation this week in the Hive Open Mic.

This week's theme is "Grace", and the song I brought today is, precisely, "Grace" by Jeff Buckley, one of those magical voices of the 90's that left us very soon.

This song is part of the homonymous work "Grace" from 1994, an album full of nostalgic sounds, with blues, soul and the characteristic alternative sound of that time, all combined with his unique and powerful voice.

My interpretation of this song is that he speaks of how when his time comes, he will leave gracefully, perhaps an ironic foreshadowing of how he departed this world.

Without further ado, I hope my interpretation serves as a tribute to the man who in life was an excellent musician and composer and one of those I admire the most. See you soon my people of the community, and long live the music!

Ces Duran:
Compositores: Jeff Buckley, Gary Lucas


There's the moon asking to stay/Long enough for the clouds to fly me away/Oh, it's my time coming/I'm not afraid. Afraid to die
My fading voice sings of love,/But she cries to the clicking of time/Of time

Wait in the fire.

And she weeps on my arm/Walking to the bright lights in sorrow/Oh drink a bit of wine/We both might go tomorrow/Oh my love

And the rain is falling/I believe my time has come/It reminds me of the pain/I might leave/Leave behind

Wait in the fire.

It reminds me of the pain/I might leave/Leave behind

And I feel them drown my name/So easy to know and forget with this kiss/I'm not afraid to go but it goes so slow

Wait in the fire.

Letra obtenida de Genius

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