Hive Open Mic 152. Música Tradicional. Venezuela cover by @ramyl . ENG/ESP



Bendecida semana amigos de Hive open Mic, me siento muy agradecida con Dios de compartir con ustedes esta nueva oportunidad en esta bella familia, compartiendo todo lo bonito de la vida, mediante diferentes interpretaciones, talentos que Dios nos ha regalado para compartirlo con el mundo, mediante la hermosa acción de CANTAR. En virtud a esto, le agradezco a @bertrayo, por seleccionar esta hermosa temática y así inspirarnos una vez más a transmitir un mensaje inspirador en esta comunidad.

Blessed week friends of Hive open Mic, I feel very grateful to God to share with you this new opportunity in this beautiful family, sharing all the beauty of life, through different interpretations, talents that God has given us to share with the world, through the beautiful action of SINGING. In virtue of this, I thank @bertrayo, for selecting this beautiful theme and inspiring us once again to transmit an inspiring message in this community.


Para esta semana 152, la temática ofrecida es Musica tradicional, y en esta oportunidad me siento muy orgullosa de presentarles a ustedes este hermoso tema llamado Venezuela, un tema que al escucharlo mi piel se eriza y me lleva a esos lugares expresados en esta canción, donde puedo admirar toda la perfección que existe en este país Venezuela.

For this week 152, the theme offered is Traditional Music, and this time I am very proud to present to you this beautiful song called Venezuela, a song that when I listen to it my skin bristles and takes me to those places expressed in this song, where I can admire all the perfection that exists in this country Venezuela.


Soy oriunda del Estado Sucre, lugar destacado por sus hermosas playas, ríos, balnearios y diferentes sitios turísticos que descantan la hermosa naturaleza de este país, sin dejar de mencionar los hermosos paisaje, la flora y la fauna presente en ella, sin duda alguna un privilegio y un honor pertenecer a este país lleno de belleza y calidad humana.

I am a native of Sucre State, a place known for its beautiful beaches, rivers, spas and different tourist sites that reveal the beautiful nature of this country, not to mention the beautiful landscape, flora and fauna present in it, undoubtedly a privilege and an honour to belong to this country full of beauty and human quality.


Espero haberle agradado con este tema y que pueda ser de inspiración para fomentar la temática 152 Música Tradicional, fomentando la belleza de Venezuela.

I hope that I have pleased you with this theme and that it can be of inspiration to promote the theme 152 Traditional Music, promoting the beauty of Venezuela.





Llevo tu luz y tu aroma en mi piel
Y el cuatro en el corazón
Llevo en mi sangre la espuma del mar
Y tu horizonte en mis ojos
No envidio el vuelo ni el nido al turpial
Soy como el viento en la miez
Siento el caribe como a una mujer
Soy así, ¿qué voy a hacer?
Soy desierto, selva, nieve y volcán
Y el andar dejo una estela
Del rumor del llano en una canción
Que me desvela
La mujer que quiero tiene que ser
Corazón, fuego y espuelas
Con la piel tostada como una flor
De Venezuela
Con tu paisaje y mis sueños me iré
Por esos mundos de Dios
Y tus recuerdos al atardecer
Me harán más corto el camino
Entre tus playas quedó mis niñez
Tendida al viento y al sol
Y esa nostalgia que sube a mi voz
Sin querer se hizo canción
De los montes quiero la inmensidad
Y del río la acuarela
Y de ti los hijos que sembrarán
Nuevas estrellas
Y si un día tengo que naufragar
Y el tifón rompe mis velas
Enterrad mi cuerpo cerca del mar
En Venezuela

letra tomada de



light and your scent on my skin
And the four in my heart
I carry in my blood the foam of the sea
And your horizon in my eyes
I don't envy the flight nor the nest to the turpial
I'm like the wind in my mind
I feel the Caribbean like a woman
I am like this, what am I going to do?
I am desert, jungle, snow and volcano
And the way I walk I leave a trail
Of the murmur of the plain in a song
That keeps me awake
The woman I love has to be
Heart, fire and spurs
With skin as toasted as a flower
Of Venezuela
With your landscape and my dreams I'll go
For those worlds of God
And your memories at sunset
I'll make the road shorter for me
My childhood was left among your beaches
And that nostalgia that rises in my voice
And that nostalgia that rises in my voice
Without wanting to become a song
From the mountains I want the immensity
And of the river the watercolour
And from you the children that will sow
New stars
And if one day I have to be shipwrecked
And the typhoon breaks my sails
Bury my body near the sea
In Venezuelalight and your scent on my skin
And the four in my heart
I carry in my blood the foam of the sea
And your horizon in my eyes
I don't envy the flight nor the nest to the turpial
I'm like the wind in my mind
I feel the Caribbean like a woman
I am like this, what am I going to do?
I am desert, jungle, snow and volcano
And the way I walk I leave a trail
Of the murmur of the plain in a song
That keeps me awake
The woman I love has to be
Heart, fire and spurs
With skin as toasted as a flower
Of Venezuela
With your landscape and my dreams I'll go
For those worlds of God
And your memories at sunset
I'll make the road shorter for me
My childhood was left among your beaches
And that nostalgia that rises in my voice
And that nostalgia that rises in my voice
Without wanting to become a song
From the mountains I want the immensity
And of the river the watercolour
And from you the children that will sow
New stars
And if one day I have to be shipwrecked
And the typhoon breaks my sails
Bury my body near the sea
In Venezuela

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