Hive Open Mic Week 201 (Clouds) | Corazón Gitano | By @orlandobello And his drums

WhatsApp Image 2024-02-10 at 4.50.09 PM.jpeg

Llegamos a la semana No #201 de Hive Open Mic, este maravilloso evento que nos permite interactuar con músicos de todos los niveles y de todas partes del mundo y esta vez la temática que nos aglutina es "Clouds" (Nubes) propuesta por nuestra reciente artista destacada @sayury... La canción que les traigo esta semana es "Corazón Gitano" De Nicola Di Bari.. Espero les guste mucho!

We have reached week #201 of Hive Open Mic, this wonderful event that allows us to interact with musicians of all levels and from all over the world and this time the theme that brings us together is "Clouds" proposed by our recent featured artist @sayury.... The song I bring you this week is "Gypsy Heart" by Nicola Di Bari.... I hope you like it very much!

Letra de la canción.

Herido por su amor y
Su cariño, sufría, sufría,
Le dije no me mientas
Y mentìa, riendo, riendo,
Mi vida se torno en negra noche
Sabiendo que se iba de mí,
No quise ni mirarla a los ojos
Y me dejò cantando asì:

Hoy mi corazón gitano
Se ha vuelto a sentir
Y quiere volar por siempre
Muy lejos de tí,
Contigo yo sé
Que nunca sería féliz,
Por eso no me importa tu dolor
Y solo diré adiós, tan solo diré...

La vi despúes de un año,
La otra noche, lloraba, lloraba,
Note mi corazón que nuevamente latía, latía
Me dijo que a su lado volviera,
Que ganas de decirle que si
Y entonces sin mirarla a los ojos,
Yo la dejè cantando asì:

Hoy mi corazón gitano
Se ha vuelto a sentir
Y quiere volar por siempre
Muy lejos de tí,
Contigo yo sé que nunca sería féliz,
Por eso no me importa tu dolor
Y solo diré adiós, tan solo diré...
Na, na, na, na..........

Acá la pagina donde conseguí la letra de la canción


Este video es otra producción de la Agrupación Musical "Venezuelan Power" (Nombre ideado por @fernanblog) , compartiendo música con ustedes desde Villa de Cura, estado Aragua, Venezuela, y en el mismo participaron directamente:

@gabrieljr: Apoyo técnico, publicación del post
@sayury: Voz principal, cuatro
@barbyjr: Grabación


Song lyrics.

Hurt by his love and
His affection, I was suffering, I was suffering,
I told her don't lie to me
And I lied, laughing, laughing,
My life turned to black night
Knowing that she was leaving me,
I didn't even want to look her in the eyes
And she left me singing like this:

Today my gypsy heart
Has returned to feel
And wants to fly forever
Far away from you,
With you I know
That I would never be happy,
That's why I don't care about your pain
And I'll just say goodbye, I'll just say...

I saw her after a year,
The other night, I cried, I cried, I cried,
I noticed my heart was beating again, it was beating again.
She told me to come back to her side,
How I wanted to say yes
And then without looking her in the eyes,
I left her singing like this:

Today my gypsy heart
Has returned to feel
And wants to fly forever
Far away from you,
With you I know I'd never be happy,
That's why I don't care about your pain
And I'll just say goodbye, I'll just say....
Na, na, na, na, na..........

Here's the page where I got the lyrics


This video is another production of the musical group "Venezuelan Power" (name devised by @fernanblog), sharing music with you from Villa de Cura, Aragua state, Venezuela, and in it they participated directly:

@gabrieljr: Technical support, publication of the post
@sayury: Lead vocals, cuatro
@barbyjr: Recording


WhatsApp Image 2024-02-10 at 4.50.09 PM (1).jpeg

¿Quién es Nicola Di Bari?

Michele Scommegna, más conocido por su nombre artístico Nicola di Bari, es un cantautor italiano. Ganó el Festival de San Remo en los años 1971 y 1972.

En sus canciones se encuentra a menudo el tema de la emigración y el sentimiento de gran apego a la tierra natal, la región meridional de Apulia, y a la vida de los campos, con llamadas a la campiña y a sus colores. Una de las piezas que él compuso, Zapponeta, está dedicada a su ciudad natal; otro título suyo muy conocido es Paese.

Acá el enlace de la pagina para conseguir esta información


Who is Nicola Di Bari?

Michele Scommegna, better known by his stage name Nicola di Bari, is an Italian singer-songwriter. He won the San Remo Festival in the years 1971 and 1972.

In his songs one often finds the theme of emigration and the feeling of great attachment to the homeland, the southern region of Puglia, and to the life of the countryside, with calls to the countryside and its colors. One of the pieces he composed, Zapponeta, is dedicated to his hometown; another well-known title of his is Paese.

Here is the link of the page to get this information



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