Hive open mic week #159: Violetta Parra - Gracias a la vida/ Thanks to life (cover) [ENG-ESP]

¡Saludos, querido lector! Bienvenido a un nuevo post musical, en esta ocasión, para la semana 159 de Hive openmic. Siempre se me ha hecho muy placentero poder armonizar con las temáticas de cada semana en esta comunidad, en los años que llevo en Hive, la intención de Hive open mic de movernos acorde a temas para presentar canciones es algo maravilloso, lo cual me inspira naturalmente a ver la conexión subjetiva que llave en cada letra, cada intención y cada canción.

El tema de esta semana es "un buen amigo". Casualmente, hoy estuve aprendiendo la canción "gracias a la vida" (Thanks to life) de la autoría de Violetta Parra, quien, como dije en el vídeo, fue una cantautora chilena del género folclórico, yo diría que parecido a un estilo andino. La canción es un poema dedicado a todas las cosas que nos da la vida, sean buenas o malas, la vida es una fuente de oportunidades perfectas para aprender y evolucionar como seres.

Creo que una de nuestras mejores amigas es la vida, ella incluye todo lo que amamos con locura y todo lo que repudiamos, en ella, está la totalidad de nuestras experiencias, buenas o malas, todas tienen un beneficio. La vida nos da oportunidades, para amar, para creer, para aprender, para sufrir o para disfrutar, quizás comprender la vida en su totalidad sea algo inútil de intentar para cualquier ser humano, pero lo que sí podemos hacer es verla como una amiga. La vida es un regalo, una bendición, una experiencia única que debe ser valorada, en ella, podemos cultivar agradecimiento, valor, amor, determinación y conciencia.

Últimamente, he estado un tanto molesto con la vida, por cuestiones personales, a veces pienso: "estoy harto de que esto sea así, siento que esto no es justo" cayendo en mucha desesperación y frustración, luego, después de pasar la tormenta mental, me doy cuenta de que también tengo mucho que agradecer, que a pesar de las carencias siempre hay cosas que me han ayudado a estar mejor que muchas otras personas. Creo que es normal a veces ver a la vida como una enemiga, luchar contra ella, pero debemos intentar hacer las pases, vivir un día a la vez y priorizar nuestro bienestar mental y emocional ante toda circunstancia que no se pueda manejar.


Greetings, dear reader! Welcome to a new music post, this time for week 159 of Hive openmic. It has always been a pleasure for me to be able to harmonize with the themes of each week in this community, in the years that I have been in Hive, the intention of Hive open mic to move according to themes to present songs is something wonderful, which naturally inspires me to see the subjective connection that key in each letter, each intention and each song.

This week's theme is "a good friend". Coincidentally, today I was learning the song "gracias a la vida" (Thanks to life) authored by Violetta Parra, who, as I said in the video, was a Chilean singer-songwriter of the folkloric genre, I would say similar to an Andean style. The song is a poem dedicated to all the things that life gives us, whether good or bad, life is a source of perfect opportunities to learn and evolve as beings.

I believe that one of our best friends is life, it includes all that we love madly and all that we repudiate, in it, is the totality of our experiences, good or bad, all have a benefit. Life gives us opportunities to love, to believe, to learn, to suffer or to enjoy. Perhaps understanding life in its totality is something useless to try for any human being, but what we can do is to see it as a friend. Life is a gift, a blessing, a unique experience to be cherished, in it, we can cultivate gratitude, courage, love, determination and awareness.

Lately, I have been somewhat annoyed with life, because of personal issues, sometimes I think: "I'm sick of this being like this, I feel that this is not fair" falling into much despair and frustration, then, after passing the mental storm, I realize that I also have much to be grateful for, that despite the shortcomings there are always things that have helped me to be better off than many other people. I think it is normal sometimes to see life as an enemy, to fight against it, but we must try to make the passes, live one day at a time and prioritize our mental and emotional well-being before any circumstance that cannot be handled.


Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me two stars, that when I open them
Perfectly I distinguish black from white
And in the high sky, its starry bottom
And in the crowds, the man I love

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me the ear, that in all its breadth
It records night and day, crickets and canaries
Hammers, turbines, barks, squalls
And the voice so tender of my well loved one

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me the sound and the alphabet
With it, the words that I think and declare
Mother, friend, brother, and light illuminating
The path of the soul of the one I love

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me the march of my tired feet
With them, I walked cities and puddles
Beaches and deserts, mountains and plains
And your house, your street and your courtyard

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It gave me the heart, that shakes its frame
When I look at the fruit of the human brain
When I look at the good so far from the bad
When I look into the depths of your clear eyes

Thanks to life, which has given me so much
It has given me laughter and it has given me crying
So I distinguish joy from sorrow
The two materials that form my song
And the song of you that is the same song
And the song of all that is my own song

Font for the lyrics. Translated with deepl

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