HIVE Hive Open Mic Week 63 - La calle está candela (cover)


Que tal mi gente bella de Open Mic, esta tematica de "contador de historias," seleccionados por: @celticheartbeat me parece super interesante, por eso les traigo esta historia en cancion, titulada "La calle esta candela" del artista venezolano Clandes.


Comienza, la historia de un chico llamado Víctor,
un niño sano con pocos conflictos,
Familia hermosa con pocos adictos,
solo su hermano adicto al cigarrillo.
Su hermano se ve intranquilo,
quizás por el abuelo que está en el asilo,
Ta’ activo como un cocodrilo porque en su bolso tiene un kilo.

Víctor sale y da una vuelta muy relajado
y como a dos cuadras ve a dos tipos parados,
Parece que buscan a alguien desesperados
y que ironía que a quien buscan es a su hermano
La casa han encontrado y esperan sigilosamente a un lado
Planean todo con cuidado y la hora de ejecutar ha llegado

Y tumban la puerta con dos disparos,
pero el hermano de Víctor también estaba armado,
Él dispara y en la cara a uno le ha dado
Pero lamentablemente se ha quedado engatillado (yeah)
El que quedó se acercó y
Víctor solo escucha a su hermano gritar no no no no,
El tipo con placer sonrió y sin pensarlo dos veces a su hermano disparó

Plomo, plomo, plomo…

Porque la calle está candela, no solo en barrios y favelas
Y aunque a muchos nos duela
tenemos que aceptar que así se vive en mi Venezuela,
Candelaa, no solo en barrios y favelas
Y aunque a muchos nos duela
tenemos que aceptar que así se vive en mi Venezuela.

Ahora, después de lo anterior relatado,
Victor recuerda a su hermano asesinado.
Ya no es un niño ahora es un desquiciado, por sicariato está solicitado
Ha conseguido a su adversario,
después de por tanto tiempo buscarlo, ay,
Planea todo con cuidado y la hora de la venganza ha llegado.
Y tumba la puerta con dos disparos,
un niño sale corriendo porque ya estaba asustado,
El tipo ha salido a ver qué ha pasado,
pero observa el mismo rostro que él había asesinado, Ey,
En segundos recordó a aquel joven que en su propia casa el asesinó, no no no,
El tipo solo dijo “perdón”, pero Víctor sin pensarlo solo el gatillo jaló
“Esto es por mi hermano”

Plomo, plomo, plomo

(Coro 2)
Porque la calle está candela, no solo en barrios y favelas
Y aunque a muchos nos duela
tenemos que aceptar que así se vive en mi Venezuela,
Candelaa, no solo en barrios y favelas
Y aunque a muchos nos duela
tenemos que aceptar que violencia genera más violencia.

El niño que había salido corriendo asustado,
no entiende nada está desesperado
Y ve en el suelo a su padre tirado, y solo dice:
“Papá esto no ha terminado”


Porque la calle está candela, no solo en barrios y favelas
Y aunque a muchos nos duela
tenemos que aceptar que violencia genera más violencia.

Puedes seguirme por mis redes sociales!



What's up my beautiful people of Open Mic, this theme of "storyteller," selected by: @celticheartbeat seems super interesting to me, that's why I bring you this story in song, titled "La calle esta candela" by Venezuelan artist Clandes.


It begins, the story of a boy named Victor,
a healthy boy with few conflicts,
Beautiful family with few addicts,
only his brother addicted to cigarettes.
His brother looks uneasy,
perhaps because of the grandfather who is in the nursing home,
He's as active as a crocodile because he has a kilo in his bag.

Victor goes out and takes a walk very relaxed
and about two blocks away he sees two guys standing around,
They seem to be desperately looking for someone
And how ironic that the one they are looking for is his brother.
They have found the house and are waiting stealthily to the side.
They plan everything carefully and the time to execute has come

And they break down the door with two shots,
but Victor's brother was also armed,
He shoots and in the face one has been hit
But unfortunately he was left with a bullet in his face (yeah)
The one that was left came closer and
Victor only listens to his brother shouting no no no no no no,
The guy smiled with pleasure and without thinking twice he shot his brother.

Lead, lead, lead...

Because the street is hot, not only in the neighborhoods and favelas
And although it hurts many of us
We have to accept that this is how it's lived in my Venezuela,
Candelaa, not only in barrios and favelas
And although it hurts many of us
we have to accept that this is how life is lived in my Venezuela.

Now, after the above mentioned, Victor remembers his murdered brother,
Victor remembers his murdered brother.
He is no longer a child, now he is an unhinged man, he is wanted for hired assassination.
He has found his adversary,
after so long searching for him, alas,
He plans everything carefully and the hour of revenge has come.
And he knocks down the door with two shots,
a child runs out because he was already scared,
The guy has come out to see what happened,
but he sees the same face that he had killed, Hey,
In seconds he remembered that young man that he had killed in his own house, no no no no,
The guy just said "sorry", but Victor without thinking just pulled the trigger.
"This is for my brother"

Lead, lead, lead

(Chorus 2)
Because the street is hot, not only in neighborhoods and favelas
And although it hurts many of us
We have to accept that this is how it's lived in my Venezuela,
Candelaa, not only in barrios and favelas
And although it hurts many of us
we have to accept that violence generates more violence.

The boy who had run away scared,
he doesn't understand anything, he is desperate
And sees his father lying on the ground, and only says:
"Dad this is not over".


Because the street is hot, not only in neighborhoods and favelas
And although it hurts many of us
we have to accept that violence generates more violence.

You can follow me on my social networks!


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