HIVE OPEN MIC #186 THEME CINEMA Song Title:Via Dolorosa by Sandi Patti Cover @jedum


Hello everyone here at Hive Open Mic Week #186.Once again, I want to extend my greetings to you all, my friends here at the hive open mic. I feel like the week is very long because I'm excited to participate in week #186, and I think you feel the same way as me😅 I'm happy to be a part of this weekly contest. This is my second time participating; my first one was week #185 under the theme Passion.And today this is my entry in Hive Open Mic Week #186 with the theme CINEMA. The title of the song is Via Dolorosa by Sandy Patti, and this is the cover song I present to you.


I chose this song because, for me, it fits the theme of cinema because, like in a cinema, when you enter, you see the big screen that we focus on, and it's good, especially when we see the actor or actress that we are waiting for. You will be out of the big screen, and we will be very excited and happy, and there will also be a time when you will cry because of the kind of story that you are watching in that theater and this song. If you think about the content of the same song, the life of Christ while he was suffering on the cross of Calvary, many eyes were looking at him, many were happy while he was suffering, many were laughing at him, but there are also some who shed their tears out of pity because of the pain that Christ suffered that he did not deserve, but he did it for you and me.


Friend, let's give great value to what he did at Calvary. Let's give him the glory because he deserves it. and we will always remember his sufferings so that even if you feel pain, you can say that this suffering is too much! Remember the suffering of Christ on the cross? We have experienced very few pains, so don't lose hope because the Lord is able to heal your pains and sufferings. As long as you trust him, he can take away your pain and suffering. Once again, this is my entry for week #186. Thank you, Hive Open Mic, for this opportunity to share my cover song here. God bless everyone.Via Dolorosa is the soundtrack of a movie (Passion for Christ).


▶ 3Speak

Via Dolorosa
By Sandi Patti

Down the Via Dolorosa in Jerusalem that day
The soldiers tried to clear the narrow street
But the crowd pressed in to see
The man condemned to die on Calvary
He was bleeding from a beating, there were stripes upon His back
And He wore a crown of thorns upon His head
And He bore with every step
The scorn of those who cried out for His death

Down the Via Dolorosa called the way of suffering
Like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King
But He chose to walk that road out of
His love for you and me
Down the Via Dolorosa, all the way to Calvary

Por la Vía Dolorosa, triste día en Jerusalén
Los soldados le abrĂ­an paso a JesĂșs
Mas la gente se acercaba
Para ver al que llevaba aquella cruz
Por la VĂ­a Dolorosa, que es la vĂ­a del dolor
Como oveja vino Cristo, rey, Señor
Y fue Él quien quiso ir, por su amor por ti y por mí
Por la VĂ­a Dolorosa al Calvario y a morir

The blood that would cleanse the souls of all men
Made its way to the heart of Jerusalem
Down the Via Dolorosa called the way of suffering
Like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King
But He chose to walk that road out of His love for you and me
Down the Via Dolorosa, all the way to Calvary

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