Hive Open Mic Week 217 - Jadilah Legenda From SID - Cover by IndonesiaBersatu

Hello Hive Open Mic community friends. Greetings and blessings to all of us. Today, the weekly Hive Open Mic event has entered week 217, with the theme "Always Grateful," chosen by our friend @ashiru. This is an interesting theme for me. So, I covered a song from the punk band from Bali "Superman Is Dead" titled "Jadilah Legenda."

image source

I want to share with you the reasons that drove me to choose to cover this song. This song is about Indonesia (my country). In the diversity of cultures, ethnicities, cuisines, and the natural beauty that Indonesia possesses, I feel truly fortunate to be born and raised in this country. Since I was young, I have been amazed by the stories of Indonesia's abundant natural wealth, fertile land that yields plentiful harvests, and abundant natural resources.

However, it cannot be denied that amid all that beauty, Indonesia also faces a number of equally heavy challenges. There are still issues in the uneven education system, worrying unemployment rates, high levels of corruption, as well as social inequality and injustice that continue to haunt. But behind the shadows of those challenges, I still believe that each of us has a crucial role in bringing about positive change in Indonesia.

Through this song, I want to express gratitude and hope that the youth in Indonesia should and must be able to become agents of change that lead Indonesia towards a better future. I always pray and continue to voice through music to keep holding hands, forgetting differences, and together building Indonesia as a nation where every individual has equal opportunities, where justice and prosperity can be enjoyed by all Indonesians. Be a legend in the story of struggling to create a better Indonesia because every small step of change will have a great impact on future generations.

Indonesian Lyrics

Hembus angin yang terasa panas
Keringat menetes di dada
Tiada henti kau bekerja keras
Berjuang demi cinta

Untuk Indonesia, teruslah bertahan
Walau dihancurkan, disakiti
Kau tetap berdiri di sini
Untuk Indonesia, jadilah legenda
Kita bisa dan percaya

Lihat laut dan indahnya ombak
Gemulainya pohon kelapa
Para gadis yang mulai menari
Kibarkan merah putih

Untuk Indonesia, kita punya semua
Seribu budaya dan kekayaan alam
Yang takkan terkalahkan
Untuk Indonesia, jadilah legenda
Kita bisa dan percaya

Darah Indonesia, akulah halilintarmu
Darah Indonesia menggelegar 'tuk selamanya
Darah Indonesia, walau badai menghadang
Kau takkan pernah hilang
Walau badai menghadang

English Lyrics

The hot wind blows
Sweat dripping on the chest
Relentlessly you work hard
Fighting for love

For Indonesia, keep holding on
Even if destroyed, hurt
You still stand here
For Indonesia, be a legend
We can and believe

Look at the sea and the beauty of the waves
The swaying coconut trees
The girls starting to dance
Wave the red and white flag

For Indonesia, we have it all
A thousand cultures and natural wealth
That will never be defeated
For Indonesia, be a legend
We can and believe

Indonesia's blood, I am your lightning
Indonesia's blood thunders forever
Indonesia's blood, even though storms block the way
You will never disappear
Even though storms block the way

Lyrics source by Musixmatch

Btw, In the production process of this cover song, I used the Dolphin sound card to record the Bass and Vocals. Additionally, in the audio editing phase, I entrusted the use of Adobe Audition CC software. To perfect the final result, in the video editing process, I utilized the desktop version of Capcut software. Through this combination of tools and software, I was able to create a personal interpretation that I feel honors the essence of the song I chose to cover. Thank you for watching and listening to my music cover. Greetings and blessings.

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