🎤🎤 Hive Open Mic Week #157|| "Al Dios Que Adoramos"|| Lift Up Your Hands To God By: Basil Valdez🎤🎤

Greetings everyone, another week and another wonderful opportunities again here in our community. This week themes, Al Dios Que Adoramos is very interesting to me, and I really want to join and expressing my talents and abilities of singing. All of us have different kinds of talents which we can use in good ways to become successful in our carriers. This weeks theme is very special because it center in our spiritual needs. All of us worship to the Lord in different ways, and some of it are by singing worship song.

I would like to share my music video recording titled, LIFT UP YOUR HANDS TO GOD originated by, Basil Valdez one of the most popular Pinoy singer in the Philippines. He already recorded more songs including worship songs. This song represents the love of God to all people who already suffered pain, tired and hopeless. It also means that if we only trust God and obey his commandments, we can't experience pain and tiredness. In order for you to know the song very well, allow me to share my music video;

Lift Up Your Hands To God

By: Basil Valdez

Life is not all that bad, my friend, hmm
If you believe in yourself
If you believe there's Someone
Who walks through life without you
You'll never be alone
Just learn to reach out,
And open your heart
Lift up hands to God,
And He'll show you the way.
And He said, "Cast your burdens upon Me
Those who are heavily laden,
Come to Me, all of you who are tired
Of carrying heavy loads,
For the yoke I will give you is easy
And My burden is light,
Come to Me and I will give you rest."
When you feel the world
Is tumblin' down on you,
And you have no one
That you can hold on to,
Just face the rising sun
And you'll see hope,
And there's no need to run
Lift up your hands to God,
And He'll make you feel all right.
And He said, "Cast your burdens upon Me
Those who are heavily laden,
Come to Me, all of you who are tired
Of carrying heavy loads,
For the yoke I will give you is easy
And My burden is light,
Come to Me and I will give you rest
Source of Lyrics
Spanish translation;

La vida no es tan mala, mi amigo, hmm
Si crees en ti mismo
Si crees que hay alguien
Quien camina por la vida sin ti
Nunca estarás solo
Sólo aprende a llegar,
Y abre tu corazón
Levantad las manos a Dios,
Y Él te mostrará el camino.
Y dijo: Echad sobre mí vuestras cargas
Los que están muy cargados,
Venid a mí todos los que estáis cansados
De llevar cargas pesadas,
que el yugo que te daré es fácil
y mi carga es ligera,
Venid a Mí y Yo os haré descansar”.
Cuando sientes el mundo
Está cayendo sobre ti,
y no tienes a nadie
que te puedas aferrar,
Solo enfréntate al sol naciente
Y verás esperanza,
Y no hay necesidad de correr
Levantad vuestras manos a Dios,
Y Él te hará sentir bien.
Y dijo: Echad sobre mí vuestras cargas
Los que están muy cargados,
Venid a mí todos los que estáis cansados
De llevar cargas pesadas,
Que el yugo que te daré es fácil
y mi carga es ligera,
Venid a Mí y Yo os haré descansar”.

If we felt tired, hopeless and having some emotional problems, don't forget to ask God's help so that we conquer all evil acts. This is the only way to keep us on positive and to make our self, heart and mind peacefully and calm.

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