HIVE OPEN MIC week 165 In love w/ nature + mother earth. Flores amarillas (cover) by @eudarcabello [

HIVE OPEN MIC week 165 In love w/ nature + mother earth. Flores amarillas (cover) by @eudarcabello [ESP/ENG]

Tengo muchos primitos y primitas menores, ya que mi mamá es la hija mayor de mi abuela y con mi familia materna es con la que tuve una relación más cerca, al ser así viví este fenómeno mas desde fuera por la edad creo que no me enganchó la telenovela infantil del momento Floricienta. Ya capaz lo he dicho en montones de post, que fuí preparador docente de botánica fanerogamica, así que amo las flores y al leer el título de esta semana, no se por qué se me ocurrió esta canción y aprovecharé de hacerla, capaz no tenga una mejor oportunidad.

I have many little cousins, since my mom is the eldest daughter of my grandmother and my maternal family is the one with whom I had a closer relationship, being so I lived this phenomenon but from the outside because of my age I think I was not hooked by the children's soap opera Floricienta. I may have already said it in many posts, that I was a teacher trainer of botany, so I love flowers and reading the title of this week, I do not know why I came up with this song and I will take the opportunity to make it, I may not have a better opportunity.

Hola gente linda de la comunidad de HIVE OPEN MIC por acá @eudarcabello y esta vez para participar en las semana 165 que se titula In love w/ nature + mother earth. Esta canción que marcó la niñez de muchos latinoamericanos que vieron la telenovela juvenil Floricienta y es la canción perfecta para esta temática, asi que me alegra termine siendo mi participación para esta comunidad, se trata de "Flores amarillas". Capaz no fué la canción principal de esa telenovela, pero si creo que quedó como la más iconicas y representativas de este fenomeno infantil y hasta juvenil, me gusta que esta cancion parece algo triste y a la vez linda por cumplirse esa fantasía que parece narrar que no se supo manejar, disfruté mucho hacerla.

Hello beautiful people of the HIVE OPEN MIC community here @eudarcabello and this time to participate in the week 165 which is titled In love w/ nature + mother earth. This song that marked the childhood of many Latin Americans who watched the soap opera Floricienta and is the perfect song for this theme, so I'm glad it ended up being my participation for this community, it's "Yellow flowers". Maybe it was not the main song of that soap opera, but I think it was the most iconic and representative of this child and even youth phenomenon, I like that this song seems a little sad and at the same time cute to fulfill that fantasy that seems to narrate that was not handled, I really enjoyed making it.


Este video y todas estas fotos fueron tomadas editadas con mi tlf para este post/ This video and all these photos were edited with my phone for this post.



**LETRA** Él la estaba esperando con una flor amarilla Ella lo estaba soñando con la luz en su pupila Y el amarillo de sol iluminaba la esquina Lo sentía tan cercano, lo sentía desde niña Ella sabía que él sabía Que algún día pasaría Que vendría a buscarla Con sus flores amarillas No te apures, no detengas El instante del encuentro Está dicho que es un hecho No la pierdas, no hay derecho No te olvides Que la vida Casi nunca está dormida En ese bar tan desierto los esperaba el encuentro Ella llegó en limusina amarilla, por supuesto Él se acercó de repente, y la miró tan de frente Toda una vida soñada y no pudo decir nada Ella sabía que él sabía Que algún día pasaría Que vendría a buscarla Con sus flores amarillas No te apures, no detengas El instante del encuentro Está dicho que es un hecho No la pierdas, no hay derecho No te olvides Que la vida Casi nunca está dormida Ella sabía que él sabía Que algún día pasaría Que vendría a buscarla Con sus flores amarillas No te apures, no detengas El instante del encuentro Está dicho que es un hecho No la pierdas, no hay derecho No te olvides Que la vida Casi nunca está dormida Ella sabía que él sabía Él sabía, ella sabia Él sabía, ella sabía y se olvidaron De sus flores amarillas
**LYRIC** He was waiting for her with a yellow flower She was dreaming him with the light in her pupil And the sunshine yellow illuminated the corner She felt him so close, she felt him since she was a child She knew that he knew That someday he would pass by That he would come looking for her With his yellow flowers Don't hurry, don't stop The instant of the meeting It's said that it's a fact Don't lose her, there's no right Don't forget That life Is almost never asleep In that deserted bar the meeting was waiting for them She arrived in a yellow limousine, of course. He came up suddenly, and looked at her so straight ahead A lifetime of dreams and he couldn't say a word She knew that he knew That someday it would happen That he'd come looking for her With his yellow flowers Don't hurry, don't stop The instant of the meeting It's said that it's a fact Don't lose her, there's no right Don't forget That life Is hardly ever asleep She knew that he knew That someday it would happen That he would come looking for her With his yellow flowers Don't hurry, don't stop The instant of the meeting It's said that it's a fact Don't lose her, there's no right Don't forget That life Is hardly ever asleep She knew he knew He knew, she knew He knew, she knew and they forgot Of her yellow flowers


Siempre ha sido romantico el regalar flores, para mi no tanto, preferia dar o que me regalaran plantas, despues de todos las flores solo son organos sexuales de las angiospermas, ya con mas edad las aprecio más y valoro mucho más como regalo. Creo que me parecia tonto que un regalo dure tan poco tiempo luciendo bien por lo menos, pero así puede ser la vida, hermosa y a la vez corta.

It has always been romantic to give flowers, for me not so much, I preferred to give or to be given plants, after all flowers are only sexual organs of angiosperms, and with more age I appreciate them more and I value them much more as a gift. I think it seemed silly to me that a gift lasts so little time looking good at least, but that's how life can be, beautiful and at the same time short.

Esta canción si se llega a analizar brevemente es hermosa y finaliza un poco triste, lo que sí es que deja una muy valiosa lección, que se esté preparado para cuando se cumpla tu sueño y como consejo personal que lo disfrutes al máximo. Siempre quise ser licenciado en biología y capaz no lo disfruté tanto como debia, me recriminaba que mi mamá no me vió lograr este sueño o que duré y sufri mucho para al fin lograrlo, lo bueno es que puede recapacitar y estar super feliz con este sueño cumplido.

This song if you analyze it briefly is beautiful and ends a little sad, what it does is that it leaves a very valuable lesson, to be prepared for when your dream comes true and as a personal advice to enjoy it to the fullest. I always wanted to be a biology graduate and maybe I didn't enjoy it as much as I should have, I used to reproach myself that my mom didn't see me achieve this dream or that I lasted and suffered a lot to finally achieve it, the good thing is that I can think again and be super happy with this fulfilled dream.

Mi conexión con las plantas terrestres más que todo sigue super viva, así este trabajando con el área marina. Ya he mencionado en otros post, aun cuando ni estaba seguro que presentaria mi trabajo de pre grado me tatue un trebol, no era el tipico trebol de cuatro hojas, era mas parecido al de cartas de poker y amplió la simbología, ya no se trata de buena suerte, es una plantita en mi muñeca izquierda que va asociado al corazon y al ser de poker, que no me descarten como un jugador.

My connection with terrestrial plants more than anything else is still very much alive, even though I am working with the marine area. I have already mentioned in other posts, even when I wasn't even sure I was going to present my undergraduate work I got a tattoo of a tree, it wasn't the typical four-leaf clover, it was more like a poker card tattoo and it expanded the symbolism, it is no longer about good luck, it is a little plant on my left wrist that is associated to the heart and being a poker player, so I am not discarded as a gambler.

Me encantó poder traer esta canción que me parece perfecta para la temática. Estoy agradecidísimo por todas las cosas buenas que me han pasado y las malas que me he librado, por tu visita y el apoyo, estás invitado a seguir mis nuevos post. Muchos éxitos con tu contenido y nos vemos la próxima semana.

I was delighted to be able to bring this song that I think is perfect for the theme. I am very grateful for all the good things that have happened to me and the bad things that I have gotten rid of, for your visit and support, you are invited to follow my new posts. Many successes with your content and see you next week.


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