HIVE OPEN MIC WEEK 218| YOU BE GOD BY @ernesto6402

Hello everyone 🤗. I am @ernesto6402 and I welcome you all to week 218 of hive open mic. I appreciate @rosana6 in a very special way for coming up with a theme as amazing as this. For some reason, I have been happy this week. God's goodness and mercy strongly sorounded me and I appreciate him for his ever goodness.

Hola a todos 🤗. Soy @ ernesto6402 y les doy la bienvenida a todos a la semana 218 de Hive Open Mic. Agradezco a @rosana6 de una manera muy especial por idear un tema tan sorprendente como este. Por alguna razón, he sido feliz esta semana. La bondad y la misericordia de Dios me rodearon fuertemente y lo aprecio por su siempre bondad.


With respect to the week's theme, I will be doing a kind of freestyle for this week's open mic. I am not use to doing music freestyle, but I will be doing it today. I will just go on my keyboard, play a progression and sing what ever comes to mind. At first I thought I would fail, but somehow I was able to produce an amazing song. A song that I have decided to tittle "you be God". Being able to come up with such an amazing song was for me and act of great courage.

Con respecto al tema de la semana, estaré haciendo una especie de estilo libre para el micrófono abierto de esta semana. No estoy acostumbrado a hacer música estilo libre, pero lo haré hoy. Simplemente tocaré mi teclado, tocaré una progresión y cantaré lo que se me ocurra. Al principio pensé que fracasaría, pero de alguna manera pude producir una canción increíble. Una canción que he decidido titular "you be God". Poder crear una canción tan increíble fue para mí un acto de gran valentía.

The title "you be God" is translated to mean you are God. The song can be summarised to mean "you are God, you are not a man. In all, the song "you are God" speaks of God's suprimacy and fact that he is the greatest of all being. In all, it is a song of praise to God. The major language of the song Nigeria Pidgin English with a touch of pure English. I would have given a complete translations of the song, but I certainly cannot since it's a freestyle. Most of lyrics used were not written down. That not withstanding, I will attempt translating a small portion of the song.

Original lyrics/ Letras originales
You be God you no be man ooo x4
Man fit to fail you but God never fail
Man fit disappoint but God never does that
Cause he is a superior being greater all
And he is madjesty enthroned...

English Translation
You are God you are not a man x4
Man may fail you but God never fails
Man might disappoint but God will never
Cause he is a superior being greater all
And he is madjesty enthroned...

Traducción al inglés
Tú eres Dios, no eres un hombre x4
El hombre puede fallarte pero Dios nunca falla
El hombre puede decepcionar pero Dios nunca lo hará.
Porque él es un superior siendo mayor que todos.
Y él es la locura entronizada...


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