[Esp-Ing] Hive Open Mic week 214 -Self Love- 🎷 TORNA SURRIENTO 🎷 cover by @Edgardsaxo

Un saludo para todos mis amigos y artistas que hacen vida en este concierto comunitario cada semana, hoy dando mi aporte en la semana 214 con la tematica "Take me home", para la presentacion de esta la realice con la trompeta que tenia tiempo que no hacia contenido para esta comunidad con este instrumento, el tema que les traigo hoy es un tema italiano titulado "Torna a surriento" yo lo conoci como "come back to sorrento" en mi idioma seria como regresa a sorrento, como "regresa a casa" tal como la tematica de esta semana y por eso lo elegi.
hace muchos años atras cuando estudiaba en la escuela de musica, yo formaba parte de la banda musical con el saxofon alto y el director cada semana montaba piezas nuevas para obligarnos a leer las partituras a primera vista entre tantos temas que se montaron estaba el que les presento hoy "come back to sorrento" era una adoptacion para banda y tenia un solo de trompeta ese era un arreglo muy bonito; pero la version que les prento hoy tambien es muy bueno y espero lo difruten.

A greeting to all my friends and artists who make life in this community concert every week, today giving my contribution in the week 214 with the theme "Take me home", for the presentation of this I made it with the trumpet that had time that I did not make content for this community with this instrument, the theme that I bring today is an Italian theme entitled "Torna a surriento" I knew it as "come back to sorrento" in my language would be like back to sorrento, as "return home" as the theme of this week and that's why I chose it.
many years ago when I was studying in music school, I was part of the band with the alto saxophone and the director every week mounted new pieces to force us to read the scores at first sight among so many themes that were mounted was the one I present today "come back to sorrento" was an adoption for band and had a trumpet solo that was a very nice arrangement; but the version that I present today is also very good and I hope you enjoy it.


Como algunos ya sabran tengo algunos añitos estudiando la trompeta 3 años para ser exactos, y en ese trayecto han pasado por mis manos algunas trompetas, la primera con la que empece no era mia y recuerdo que era una LARK, como vi progreso con el instrumento decidi comprar una asi que comence a ahorrar y me compre una JIMBAO una trompeta brasileña muy bonita y con muy buen sonido, el año pasado se me presento la oportunidad de comprar una KING y cuando la vi me enamore asi que ahorre un poquito de plata y vendi la jimbao y asi compre la KING con la que realice el video de hoy, es una trompeta de 1975 segun el serial de la compañia es de esa fecha y esta como nueva no tiene golpe ni rayones, su anterior dueño la compro por diversion, para molestar a los vecinos los 31 de diciembre de cada año; asi me lo conto la hija de este señor que ya fallecio.

As some of you already know I have been studying the trumpet for 3 years to be exact, and in that time some trumpets have passed through my hands, the first one I started with was not mine and I remember it was a LARK, as I saw progress with the instrument I decided to buy one so I started to save and I bought a JIMBAO a very nice Brazilian trumpet with a very good sound, last year I had the opportunity to buy a KING and when I saw it I fell in love so I saved a little bit of money and sold the jimbao and so I bought the KING with which I made today's video, it is a trumpet from 1975 according to the serial number of the company is from that date and is like new has no blows or scratches, its previous owner bought it for fun, to annoy the neighbors on December 31 of each year; this was told to me by the daughter of this gentleman who is now deceased.

TRADUCCION ➡️ https://www.deepl.com/es/translator


cada dia es una oportunidad para crear, expresarnos y crecer
Every day is an opportunity to create, express ourselves and grow.

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