Hive Open Mic Week 172 || Amor y Control/Ruben Blades || cover by @Edgardsaxo [Esp/Eng]

Hola, hola mis amigos ๐Ÿ˜Š de hive open mic, esta semana se nos presenta una hermosa tematica FAMILY/familia, y el dias de hoy les presento a mi familia esta integrada por mi mama y mis tres hijos, siempre he vivido con mis hijos desde que nacieron con el detalle que en el 2020 hubo una separacion con mi pareja, y con el detalle que me los dejo a mi cargo, desde entoces soy padre soltero, y yo soy quien velo por ellos, y llevo el sustento diario a casa con mi talento musical; porque vivo exclusivamente de la musica y de las presentaciones que hago ๐ŸŽท.

Hello, hello my friends ๐Ÿ˜Š from hive open mic, this week we are presented with a beautiful FAMILY/family theme, and today I present to you my family, it is made up of my mother and my three children, I have always lived with my children since that they were born with the detail that in 2020 there was a separation with my partner, and with the detail that I leave them in my charge, since then I am a single father, and I am the one who watches over them, and I take daily sustenance home with my musical talent; because I live exclusively from the music and the presentations that I do ๐ŸŽท.

mi nucleo familiar esta integrado por Hillary mi hija mayor, le sigue Angeliz y el niรฑo menor Andres Avelino y afortunadamente tengo a mi mama que a pesar de su edad me ayuda a cuidarlos cuando ella puede, mientras yo trabajo.

My family nucleus is made up of Hillary, my eldest daughter, followed by Angeliz and the youngest child, Andres Avelino, and fortunately I have my mother who, despite her age, helps me take care of them when she can, while I work.

hasta hoy jueves fue que pude grabar y si les soy sincero no pude ver todas las entradas de los demas amigos y no se si alguien ya interpreto este tema que les presento hoy.

Until today, Thursday, I was able to record and if I'm honest I couldn't see all the entries from the other friends and I don't know if someone has already interpreted this song that I present to you today.

Este tema es muy emotivo y es Ruben Blades fue escrito poco despues que a la mama de blades se le diagnosticara cancer terminal. en la letra de la cancion se nos presentan la historia de dos familia y como cada una de ella afronta los problemas por lo mas importante es el mensaje que nos deja que nunca debemos abandonar a la familia siempre apoyarnos a pesar de las cosas malas siempre hay una esperanza siempre que estemos unidos.

This topic is very emotional and is Ruben Blades was written shortly after blades' mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. In the lyrics of the song we are presented with the story of two families and how each one of them faces the problems. The most important thing is the message that it leaves us that we should never abandon the family, always support each other despite the bad things, there is always hope as long as we are united.

para despedirme el video y escrito lo hice ayer Jueves 26 de Julio 2023 en horas de la tarde pero no estas hoy viernes en la maรฑana que se los comparto por tema electricidad casi terminando de escribir y se fue la luz hasta la madrugada; espero le agrade mi video.

To say goodbye to the video and writing, I did it yesterday, Thursday, July 26, 2023, in the afternoon, but you are not here today, Friday morning, and I am sharing it with you due to electricity, almost finishing writing and the power went out until dawn; I hope you like my video.

para mi es un honor esta otra vez con ustedes compartiendo buena musica, espero que mi presentacion haya sido de su agrado.

For me it is an honor to be with you again sharing good music, I hope you liked my presentation.

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cada dia es una oportunidad para crear, expresarnos y crecer
Every day is an opportunity to create, express ourselves and grow.

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