Hive Open Mic Week 152: "Traditional Music" | Nyawoeng - Saleum cover by @donirosayandi

Hive Open Mic Week 152 : "Traditional Music" | Nyawoeng - Saleum cover by @donirosayandi

Hi Hivers, how are you all? I'm sure we're all fine. My name is @donirosayandi, I'm a guitarist. On this occasion I will sing for the 152nd week of Hive Open Mic, explore the following theme: "Traditional Music." This theme is chosen by our community's recent Spotlight Artist: @bertrayo.

He is a guitarist, small guitar maker, ukulele maker, and reliable musician, I really like the sound of his ukulele guitar.

For this week's theme I have prepared a good song, a song related to the theme, namely the song called "Saleum". Nyawoeng.

Talking about this week's theme, namely "Traditional Music", I immediately thought of this traditional song, because this song was the first ethnic song that I learned, I learned guitar with this ethnic song. And this song has special memories for me, a lot of the music I make is inspired by this nyawong's saleum song.

Nyawoeng is an ethnic music group from Aceh, which is famous for combining traditional Acehnese music with modern music.
In addition to using modern musical instruments such as guitar, bass and drums, nyawong also uses various traditional Acehnese musical instruments such as Rapa'i (Acehnese framed drum type), Seurune Kalee (Acehnese wind instrument), and Genderang (Acehnese double-sided membrane drum) ).

While greeting literally means 'peace'. In form, greetings are interpreted as a way for someone to communicate the presence of other people, to show concern, or to emphasize social status between groups of people who are related to one another.

This Saleum song tells about the first offering someone makes to honor a person or group is with the greeting itself, the greeting itself is a prayer for the welfare and safety of those who hear it. Such are the customs and traditions in my country which always glorify guests or foreigners who come to my country.

Congratulations to you, blessed by God
My hands above my head
I have ten fingers above my head
I apologize to everyone
My finger is ten on the top of the head
Congratulations to you, I greet you

Uniquely, this song has a very beautiful and interesting literary language to be heard anywhere and anytime. Moreover, because this song has rhymes that explain respect for guests, or people who have just been met, at the beginning of the stanza the author counts down his fingers, as an opener, then the purpose to be conveyed is explained in the second part of the rhyme, as well as the following lyrics it, until the end of the song.

My finger is ten, the one raised is nine
As a condition of a noble sign
I have nine fingers, those raised are eight
Instead of timpan and srikaya cakes
My finger is eight, which is lifted up is seven
Betel in a pack, I give it to you

I recorded the video with my Redmi Note 7 mobile phone and I used the audio using a mic from Boya who has two small mics, one I stuck in my shirt near my chest, the other mic I stuck to my guitar. And my video editing uses the Adobe Premiere video editing program.

So, here's my interpretation for this week,
Hope you like, see you next week.

Here's the original song link:

Here are the full song lyrics.

Lyrics Acehness
Salamalaikom warahmatullah
jaroe dua bla atueh jeumala
jaroe loen siploeh di ateuh ulee
meuah loen lake bak kaom dum na
jaroe loen siploeh di ateuh uboen
salamalaikom loen tegor sapa

jaroe loen siploeh beot sikureung
syarat uloen keun tanda mulia
jaroe sikureung loen beut lapan
genanto timphan ngoen asoe kaya
jaroe loen lapan loen beuot tujoeh
ranub lam bunkoeh loen joek keu gata

Lyrics Indonesian
Selamat kepada kalian, dirahmati oleh Tuhan
Kedua tangan saya di atas kepala
Jari saya sepuluh di atas kepala
Saya meminta maaf kepada kaum sekalian
Jari saya sepuluh di atas ubun-ubun
Selamat kepada kalian, saya bertegur sapa

Jari saya sepuluh, yang diangkat sembilan
Sebagai syarat tanda mulia
Jari saya sembilan, yang diangkat delapan
Sebagai ganti kue timpan dan srikaya
Jari saya delapan, yang diangkat tujuh
Sirih dalam bungkusan, saya beri kepada anda

Lyric sources :

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