Hive Open Mic Week 124 ✨🌜 Luz de Luna🌛✨ COVER 🎶Poderoso 🎶 @crishziur


Hola Familia de Hive Open Mic en esta semana 124 con el tema Luz de Luna, contenta de participar y traer este hermoso tema, titulado Poderoso dedicado a nuestro Ser Supremo y Soberano Dios que es Luz y transforma nuestra vida regalandonos Luz. Seamos felices en esta vida y no dejes que esa Luz se apague sino que podamos brillar y brindar esperanza a otros. Dios les bendiga.

Hello Hive Open Mic Family in this week 124 with the theme Luz de Luna, happy to participate and bring this beautiful theme, entitled Powerful dedicated to our Supreme Being and Sovereign God who is Light and transforms our lives by giving us Light. Let's be happy in this life and don't let that Light go out but we can shine and give hope to others. God bless you.

Source / Fuente


Letra: Poderoso
Sentado en su trono, rodeado de luz
A la diestra del padre, gobierna Jesús
Con ojos de fuego, con rostro de sol
Cuando abre su boca, es trueno su voz
En majestad y reino poderoso
En potestad e imperio poderoso
Un gran arcoíris, corona su ser
Él es el cordero, que pudo vencer
El es el primero, el es el postrer
Y arrojan coronas, delante de él
En majestad y reino poderoso
En potestad e imperio poderoso
En majestad y reino poderoso
En potestad e imperio poderoso

Lyrics: Mighty Sitting on his throne, surrounded by light At the right hand of the father, Jesus rules With eyes of fire, with a face of sun When he opens his mouth, his voice is thunder Powerful In majesty and mighty kingdom Powerful In power and mighty empire A great rainbow crowns your being He is the lamb, who could overcome He is the first, he is the last And they throw crowns, before him Powerful In majesty and mighty kingdom Powerful In power and mighty empire Powerful In majesty and mighty kingdom Powerful In power and mighty empire


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