🎵 “Still With You” (Original) - Live Music for Hive Open Mic 203

Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community celebrating live music on Hive. Each week is a new event, encouraging musicians to share songs with an international audience.

Still With You

Still with you
I feel you in the countryside
When the horses run wild

Still with you
I feel you in the firelight
When it warms up the night

Still with you
I feel you in the wind
When it brushes my skin

Still with you
I feel you in cacao
When it kisses my mouth

Still with you
I feel you in guitar strings
When my heart sings

In the Hive Open Mic community, we offer a weekly theme to unify us as we express and connect through music. This week, our theme is: “Memories,” chosen by @oluwadrey. Nice choice! To me, this topic brings to mind the long-time members of Hive Open Mic who I have grown to know as friends and family across the world. I’m remembering moderators, musicians, audience members, songs that still strum my heartstrings… I'm still with you!

I'm thankful for these memories. In fact, I cherish these memories, and I appreciate the people who made them possible. Although I'm focusing my attention elsewhere at this moment, I still participate in the Hive Open Mic community from a distance each week. I offer the original artwork and the Sunday posts that invite everyone to contemplate the theme, and hopefully find common ground. I still hold “Global Harmony” as a high vision for my life.

The music I'm sharing here is a song of fond memories, with a touch of romance and a hint of spirituality. I had the pleasure of recording this song in a studio with my band called Cosmic Butterflies last year, and I'm working now on the album cover artwork, along with music videos to visualize the tunes. I think we'll release the record next month. I'm thrilled with our recordings.



In case anyone's wondering why I'm not as active in our Hive Open Mic community these days, I'm focusing on my family life. My occupation as a videographer takes up a lot of my time lately. I'm also pouring passion into a podcast called Feather Lightwork, watercolor painting like the one you see here, a book of fine art... it's a lot of work, and I'm delighted to do it.

Some of you will be happy to know I started hosting an in-person Hive Open Mic event in Austin, Texas. Our city is widely known as “The Live Music Capital of the World.” Our open mic event includes photos and video recordings, encouraging musicians to share their gifts with a global audience. So far, I've hosted four live music events, featuring ~50 people in the spotlight, as you can see in the following photos.









Hive Open Mic - Week 203 is underway now, with the theme: “Memories." We introduce new themes every Sunday, inviting musicians to share a common current. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. There is still time to jump in and enjoy this week's Hive Open Mic event!


Enjoy? Join in!

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