Hive Open Mic Week #104 - "Apache" by The Shadows

Hi all in this community!

This is my first entry inspired by @mipiano and I feel a little intimidated by all the talent I see posting here, but I thought I'd give it a go, and see what happens.

As my Spanish is rudimentary, if none-existing, I wasn't sure what "Guitarra Automática" meant, and assumed something to do with electric guitars, so I had made up my mind about sending my entry today.

Although, I have now read in the introduction to this week, that it's not really to do with that, I thought I'd stick with it anyhow.

The video you will see was actually recorded during lockdown when our local musical community held online get-togethers, with some live performances and some recorded, like the one I'm posting today. Members included @steevc, @daniellemurray, @purplesinger and @todayslight.

I had never really picked up an electric guitar until then. The one good thing of lockdown was, that it provided the time to try out new things and recording oneself was one of them; And I am trying to catch up on that these days.

Anyway, this isn't brand-new, but hope, that's ok.
Please excuse me for not smiling a lot.. Concentrating! :D

So, here is my version of "Apache" by The Shadows.

Thanks for listening!

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