Hive Open Mic 133 – Sheila on 7 - HARI BERSAMANYA - Cover by @andriastudio

Hi Hivers around the world, it's great to be participating again in a wonderful initiative for music like hive open mic. For week 133 of Hive Open Mic, I will explore the following theme: “Opportunity”. This theme was chosen by artist @sekani.

Introducing my name is @andriastudio, I'm a beginner guitarist and today I'm trying to play guitar while singing. On this week's open mic 133, I will perform a song Sheila On 7 - Hari bersamanya.

Well, This song tells about a man who wants to meet the person he loves without any obstacles or problems.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy my performance of this song and thanks for watching.

Indonesian lyrics :

Hari telah terganti
Tak bisa ku hindari
Tibalah saat ini bertemu dengannya
Jantungku berdegup cepat

Kaki bergetar hebat
Akankah aku ulangi merusak harinya
Mohon Tuhan
Untuk kali ini saja
Beri aku kekuatan

'Tuk menatap matanya
Mohon Tuhan
Untuk kali ini saja
Lancarkanlah hariku

Hariku bersamanya
Hariku bersamanya
Kau tahu betapa aku
Lemah dihadapannya
Kau tahu berapa lama

Aku mendambakannya
Tuhan tolonglah (beri kesempatan)
Tuhan tolonglah (beri kesempatan)

Hariku bersamanya
Hari bersamanya
Tuhan tolonglah
Hari bersamanya
Lyric sources :

English lyric :

The day has changed
I can't avoid
It's time to meet him
My heart is beating fast

Legs shaking
Will I repeat spoil the day
Please God
Just for this time
give me strength

'To look into his eyes
Please God
Just for this time
Make my day

My day with him
My day with him
You know how much I
Weak in front of him
You know how long

I crave it
God please (give a chance)
God please (give a chance)

My day with him
Day with him
God please
Day with him

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