Stereotyping Africans

Africans are always believed to be corrupt, scammers, and thieves. This is as a result of what others had suffered in the hands of those who chose the wrong path of hustling. Blacks have had bad reputations and this has been tagged to every African. It's as if the sins of others had corrupted every black when it comes to addressing them. The truth is, not every black is corrupt, a scammer, or a thief. Most blacks are hardworking and make money through genuine means. We are problem solvers and try to survive in difficult moments.


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The problem with stereotyping is that it makes one see a group of people as one not minding the fact that attitude differs in individuals. Just because mr. A person with a black complexion stole a pen doesn't mean Mr. B who has a black complexion will also steal a pen. Stereotyping has made a lot of people miss creating relationships that would have been of benefit to them, it had also created enmity between individuals and nations. A friend of mine once told me he hates to generalize behavior. He treats an individual as a separate body because he has come to realize that everyone cannot be the same.

It pains me when blacks are tagged with negative attitudes. I'm not denying the fact that some people had suffered at the hands of many blacks but it's not worth stereotyping. A scammer is a scammer, it's not based on the color of the skin, or the blood running in their veins. Every country has its worst people and also good ones. You may not truly understand people until you live among them. Africans are beautiful people with unique styles of dressing, varieties of food, and several unique cultures- that's one characteristic most people don't know about Africans. I wish there would be a day when people will treat others as a separate person and not base their belief on a singular act from someone from a tribe or clan.

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