Hablar con el pasado,desde la adultez del presente [ESP-ENG]

Un saludo caluroso a todos lo de la comunidad #naija, me encontré esta comunidad gracias a al post que leí de @funshee y me metí a ver la dinámica, obviamente no dude en unirme y aquí estoy participando, ya que el tema sobre el que se habla, es algo que vengo pensando muchas noches.

A warm greeting to everyone in the #naija community, I found this community thanks to the post I read from @funshee and I got in to see the dynamics, obviously I did not hesitate to join and here I am participating, since the topic being discussed is something I've been thinking about many nights.

Anteriormente, solía decir que no cambiaria nada de mi pasado y usaba la típica frase popular <no cambiaria mi pasado, porque gracias a ellos estoy donde estoy>.
La verdad es que ahora no creo eso, porque justamente no me gusta dónde estoy y son muchas noches preguntándome¿qué hice mal, por qué no hice aquello y qué hubiese pasado sí?

In the past, I used to say that I would not change anything about my past and I used to use the typical popular phrase <I would not change my past, because thanks to them I am where I am>.
The truth is that now I don't believe that, because I just don't like where I am and there are many nights wondering what I did wrong, why I didn't do that and what would have happened if I had?

Cuando esas interrogantes empiezan aparecer es que definitivamente si queremos cambiar cosas del pasado. Por mi parte cambiaría:

  1. El suponer que puedo salvar a todo mundo y entender que no todo mundo quiere ser salvado.

  2. Querer complacer a todo mundo, buscando una aprobación tonta que no necesitas de nadie, más allá de ti mismo.

  3. Defender mis bases, mis pensamientos, mis proyectos, es decir, defenderme a mí.

  4. Saber callar, no todo mundo quiere escuchar, ni están dispuestos a hacerlo. Hay veces que debemos guardarnos muchas cosas y soltar de otra manera, canalizarla distinto y si se va a hablar que sea con alguien que esté dispuesto a escucharte y empatice contigo sin juzgarte.

  5. No haberme apresurado a muchas cosas y ver bien a mí alrededor.

When those questions start to appear is that we definitely want to change things from the past. I for one would change:

  1. Assuming that I can save everyone and understanding that not everyone wants to be saved.

  2. Wanting to please everyone, looking for a silly approval that you don't need from anyone but yourself.

  3. Defending my bases, my thoughts, my projects, that is to say, defending me.

  4. Know how to keep quiet, not everyone wants to listen, nor are they willing to do so. There are times when we must keep many things to ourselves and let go in another way, channel it differently and if we are going to talk, let it be with someone who is willing to listen to you and empathize with you without judging you.

  5. Not to have rushed into many things and to have a good look around me.

Esas serían las cosas que cambiaría de mi pasado, porque yo hice todo lo contrario y hoy en día me han llevado a un lugar donde me he perdido a mí.

Those would be the things I would change about my past, because I did the opposite and today I have been led to a place where I have lost me.

Con respecto al segundo punto, encontrarse con niños para mí es habitual, pero no sé tiene la confianza con todos y menos todos de 10 años. Por fortuna mi hijo está en esa edad y suelo hablar muchísimo con él.

Regarding the second point, meeting children is usual for me, but I don't have the confidence with all of them and even less so with all 10 year olds. Fortunately my son is at that age and I talk to him a lot.

Le digo que siempre luche por sus sueños, que se ponga de primero, pero no por ello debe pasar encima de los demás o haciendo daño, que hay maneras de ser prioridad sin dañar a tercero. Que se escuche, que aprenda a escucharse y conocerse y saber lo que realmente quiere, que no se deje influenciar por las aspiraciones de los demás, que apoye en lo que pueda sin dejarse de lado él.

I tell him to always fight for his dreams, to put himself first, but not to put himself above others or do harm, that there are ways to be a priority without harming others. I tell him to listen to himself, to learn to listen to himself and to know himself and to know what he really wants, not to be influenced by the aspirations of others, to support what he can without leaving himself aside.

Obviamente, le digo que no trate de complacer a todo mundo, que lo que no se puede no se puede y ya. Que la prudencia será el camino para muchas de las cosas que quiera materializar. Converso con él sobre la importancia de ser buenas personas, de escuchar y entender a los demás, de ir por la vida recta y transparente. Que jamás le tema a empezar de nuevo, nunca.

Obviously, I tell him not to try to please everyone, that what cannot be done cannot be done and that's it. That prudence will be the way for many of the things he wants to materialize. I talk to him about the importance of being good people, of listening and understanding others, of going through life straight and transparent. That he will never be afraid to start over, never.

Quién es capaz de empezar nuevo sin dudar, es una persona que sabe dejar ir, reconoce cuando no insistir y que no teme a darse la oportunidad que sea con tal de lograr eso que anhela. Hay veces que si debemos echar un poco hacia atrás para regresar con más impulsos.

Who is capable of starting over without hesitation, is a person who knows how to let go, recognizes when not to insist and who is not afraid to give himself the opportunity to achieve what he longs for. There are times when we must take a step back to come back with more impulses.

A mí yo joven le diría fuerte y claro <frena el carro querida, que aún nos falta por vivir y no te la sabes todas como crees>
Sin dudar le diría eso, porque en la juventud vivimos la adrenalina de ir con todo o nada, si a eso le sumamos que haya crecido con responsabilidades de adulto, más aún para pensar que ya sabemos todo lo que tenemos que saber y no necesitamos más.

To my young self I would say loud and clear <brake the car dear, we still have a long way to live and you don't know everything as you think you do>.
Without hesitation I would tell her that, because in youth we live the adrenaline of going all or nothing, if we add to that that I have grown up with adult responsibilities, even more so to think that we already know everything we need to know and we do not need more.

¿Verdad que uno de joven era alocado? 🤣.
Invito a @royvego55.

Isn't it true that one as a young man was crazy? 🤣.
I invite @royvego55.


Fotos: obtenidas de mi galería personal. Todos los derechos reservados
Separadores de párrafo y portada: realizada por mí desde la app canva
Traducción: realizada por Deepl


Photos: obtained from my personal gallery. All rights reserved
Paragraph separators and cover: made by me from the canva app.
Translation: made by Deepl Translation: made by Deepl

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