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This is a movies which is acted in lagos,the movie involves twins sister which one is called shalewa popularly known as lefty and the other sister called Ayomide,they came from a wealthy family and Ayomide is married in the movies and the shalewa which is called lefty she involved herself in street roget life, but she also help the poor with money to sponsor their children in school which is a nice behavior.a boy was driven by a police men and the boy ran to lefty which she quickly save the boy from the police men,after when the policemen went she bring the boy out asking him was happen and when opening his bag she saw a thousand of naira which she quickly advised the boy, which the boy ran away and leave the money with her and she took the money and give to the poor to sponsored their children in school,whereby she was advising one girl that now that she is graduate let her look for job to assist her mother. The lady that send the boy started chasing Lefty with a gun which she ran to a store hiding and her boyfriend, his name is Stone, came and paid two hundred and fifty thousand naira, After bailing her out,he requested for five hundred thousand naira from her which she gave him and she love him very well .
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Shallewa serve as disturbance to her family which one day her mother have birthday party which shalewa invited her boyfriend to come and to present himself to her parent which he refused to come and shalewa came with her three friend to the birthday party whereby they came with their food and the food is cook with weed inside and they serve the food to the shalewa mother friends which they eat and started dancing without control in the birthday party.
Her boyfriend Stone refused to come and he went to a party with his three friends which one of them is a computer expert, because they are doing yahoo,whereby they saw some senior yahoo boys whereby stone take a move to meet them he was stopped by their security day stone came to the party with three beautiful lady which they set those yahoo boy with those girl and they fall in love with those girl and they told them to their house whereby those girl Poison their drinks and they all take and sleep. Those girls immediately called stone and his friends to come down to the house and do there needful operation which one of them wake up and two stone friends hit the other yahoo boy which immediately he dies there, stone and his friend told those yahoo boy laptops and phone with others expensive things in the house. The two boys wake up and see their friend died.which they report to the nearby station where the policeman is walking for their stone and his friends. Stone go to shallewa place which immediately police came and he put the stolen phone in lefty car and told her to go away which she didn't known what's happening and she when home, in the night policeman came to shalewa parent house whereby stone call her that she should come and meet him that night by the process of preparing,her mother came into her room and called her outside. The policemen told her that they are looking for stolen phone by the process of tracking they saw the phone in her small car,which she was arrested by the police men.
All her female friends came to the station to see lefty and her stone refused to come while she refused to expose him because she loved him. The policeman was called by stone and stone bribed him with money which he killed the case in the station and the yahoo boy came to the station shouting while the policeman told him that he is guilty too, which the yahoo boys ran away.
One day Stone invite one white lady to Nigeria which is was chasing with telling her that his mother is seriously hill and which he is trying to collect money from her hand and had about the white lady trying to collect stone from her and lefty kidnapped the white lady which she was slap by shallewa(lefty), she was rush to hospital whereby stone came and she told him that, she don't want to see his face in the hospital which he left to the ghetto area and he saw Ayomide looking for lefty which he kidnapped her and take her to another area which them requested for a lots of money. Shallewa(lefty) had where her sister is taken too, where she arranged her squads with guns to the area where by they started killing stone peoples and shalewa family called stone that the money is ready which they are planning to go and collect the money so that they can travel to outside country.
Immediately they had a sound of gunshot and stone known his lefty that came to rescue her sister from his hand which they fight and shallewa was beaten by stone and at last she pointed gun to her yahoo boy called stone and the policemen came and arrested stone and his men with the corrupt police officer too.
Ayomide was rescue from their stone which she was beaten by them.

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