
Here's to a new community engagement I came across and decided to write on it. You can click here to follow instructions and participate.

So, the question is, What's your thought on religion? What do you believe and why do you believe what you believe? Are your beliefs based on what you've gathered from childhood or did you make some adjustments as you matured? Do you hold a general opinion or have you had a personal encounter that serves as the basis of your belief? Is the religious belief of a person a deal-breaker for you in a relationship?

Religion is people's belief in the existence of a supreme being, it's their belief and acknowledgement that there's a God above whom we serve in truth and spirit. It's true we don't see this God physically, but we believe he's everywhere and knows everything and that's why he's the Omnipotent, Omnipresent and Omniscient.

Growing up as a child in primary school, I offered a subject called C.R.S where I was thought the different religions that exist in the world. The Christians, the Muslims and the Islamists and over here in the Eastern Nigeria 98% of us are Christians.

Breaking down christianity, so many denominations exists in different locations with branches in different cities. These churches are so vast and many of them exist, if I'm to start counting the no of churches may almost be the same as it's members but I wouldn't want to dwell on denominations because that's not my area of interest in this topic.

I grew up in a Christian home, where I was taught the basics of christianity and we take activities of the church very seriously. It became a habit for me to do so many things compulsorily, like praying before eating, morning and night devotions, take sundays as rest days etc and I grew with that mentality. The solid helped me to build my faith in christ, to be "christ like" which is the true definition of a good Christian.

I got into the higher institution and some things changed, I met a lot of individuals from different homes and I can't help but think deep about what we are really doing in the name of serving God. How do you boldly pose to serve God yet you don't do what you preach? Isn't that hypocrisy? If it's not then I wonder what it is.

I met individuals who live a triangle life, from class to church and back to the hostel, always carrying their bible everywhere they go, indulge in only discussion that had yo do with the church, bible, christ etc but character wise they are nothing to write home about. They live a life that isn't even worthy to emulate, that aside their love for God and church there isn't any other good thing to hold onto so what's the essence?

Their personal relationship with people is zero, they do things wrongly and refuse to take corrections otherwise they argue and find bible backups. Yet they are the ones that pose as Christians, that looks at you a young lady on trouser as a sinner whereas they are the righteous ones. They do so many things behind closed doors and act like they don't, Is this really what we preach?

We can't even see God but we show that we love him by loving our neighbors as ourselves but do we really do these ? So many of us post bible verses and scriptures daily yet that little act of kindness towards our fellow humans we fail in it.

I came to the conclusion that religion isn't about what we preach or what we see but about what we really believe in. What's the point of carrying the whole church on your head yet you ain't anywhere near holiness? I had to slow down and allow no one to pressure me at all in anything I want to do. On somedays I can't seem to wait for the weekend to come, that's cause I'm driven by this zeal to be in his presence and after I leave I feel renewed and fulfilled. Other times I just sit there, let sundays pass like it came as I don't even seem to be interested in anything at the moment.

As a believer, there's more to religion than running to church every Sunday and taking the front seat. Our belief in God whom we worship and serve should reflect in our daily lives and in our attitudes towards one another. That's what a true believer should be like and not the other way round, living a nonchalant life all covered under the umbrella of being a believer.

So many of the churches and church heads don't even care about winning souls for christ lately, they are majorly interested in fame, wealth and popularity that they forget the sole aim for which they were called but that's story for another day. Let's leave the sleeping dog lay till whenever.

Coming to the aspect of relationships I feel it all depends on what a person wants, I've once had a roommate who's a Muslim and we lived very fine. But when it gets to dating or marrying a Muslim I won't do so, I simply feel we are a bit different and I can't deal with it. Aside that I have no problem with them at all.

In all you do, do it in righteous and in truth. Do not just be preachers of the word but doers as well. Believe strongly in what you believe and let it reflect in your daily lives as a believer.


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