Age and Number

Age and Marriage


Age is an increasing number with respect to development and growth. Age has to do with experiences and life happenings.

Age and Marriage
They are two things that can be treated separately and together. Considering culture,Religious beliefs and personal thought.
When we are talking about marriage, it is a union between a man and a woman to become a legal husband and wife provided love exists between them.
Age has to do with marriage, you have to reach a certain age before thinking of getting married, I mean getting mature and necessary knowledge of life which will come naturally as experience with age.

Africa and culture
Getting married to an elderly person is seen right especially when the husband is older but can be seen wrong if the wife is older. Majorly African Culture supports and subscribes to getting married to an older man and frowns at getting married. That's why in Africa Older men get married to younger ladies, there will be few instances when the reverse is the case.

Religious views
The most common religions in West Africa are; Islamic, Christianity and Traditional religion. With the best of my knowledge, I understand that these three religions accept getting married to an older person either the man or the woman based on the historic event recalled in the sacred books.

My view
I will have to say that getting married to an elderly person both man and woman is something normal and should be encouraged in our society, As a religious person I believe getting married to person older than you will add more to your experience with people because a lot of experiences will be shared in the house, according to research older women take care of their husbands with respect than the younger ones, especially if they are divorcee or widower, they will always want to redeem their image especially if they are the cause of the divorce, they avoid any marriage error.
Older women, talking about those that get married late, maybe because they find it difficult to get a befitting spouse, they will stick to their husbands and always find means to make them happy.
I have seen some Ladies that wish to marry older men too, they believe they will spoil them especially if they marry them as a second wife. I don't talk much about women getting married to men older than them because it is normal and everybody feels it sounds good.

Thanks for reading through!!!

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