Meeting new folks in Abuja, a new comer's tale.


I came to Abuja and I have made friends. Yes, my circle has expanded. I met Ernest and his two brothers, met Sunny, his friend, Samuel, and his girlfriend, Blessing(yeah, my namesake😉). That's a total of six different people from different backgrounds with different views of the world.

Ernest is a Sales Representative, he works with the Nigerian Breweries. He does asset checks as well. This means he ensures outlets are making proper use of the Chillers and the drinks are well arranged.

McPherson is said to have studied History and International Relations, but he is currently working with architects, supervising building constructions. Initially, I wasn't well informed, I could only piece it all out from his conversations with his brothers. The fact that I wanted to share this with you made me ask subtle questions about McPherson.

Their elder brother, Emmanuel, loves music and creates Beats. Ernest said Emmanuel studied music in school. I joking told Ernest, his elder brother is the only one who is working on what he studied in school. By the way, Ernest studied Geology in school.

Blessing is a teacher, I haven't asked which school, because I wouldn't even know... Give me a break, I am new here... Lol. Sunny and Samuel are both security men in a hotel, the name, I'll like to keep private.

It feels great recreating this memory because a few days ago, I knew no one. I just got to Abuja, and I met all of them by chance. They turned out to be good friends.

I am learning the frugal lifestyle I have always wanted from Ernest, and his brothers. I wouldn't be surprised if my expenses by the end of December will be very small as compared to when I was in Akwa Ibom surrounded by big spenders and little savers.

Blessing is out here to teach me about guys, the freaky areas in Abuja, and the different crimes that lurk around in the darkness, waiting for a victim to devour. Yesterday, I met her, and we talked, not much though, it was getting late, and she had to leave. After all, she was the one passing the message that where she lives isn't safe.

If you love gist, you should stay around McPherson, he has lots of stories to tell. He is so confident, and it is reflected in the way he talks and carries himself. He is security conscious and he tries to make sure everywhere is safe for his family.

Ernest is... Well, I am still trying to decipher this one out, he is a combination of outspoken and secretive. And boy, does he love interrogations... Hehehehe. You know the thing about secretive folks is that they love knowing other people's secrets, with no intentions of revealing theirs. That is Ernest for you. He loves his work, he is committed to it. Yesterday, when we went out, he didn't let me order a brand of drink that wasn't part of his company's products. Can you imagine that? He didn't let me drink anything made by his competitors... Hehehehe. He also told me if the outlet uses the competitor's drinks in the chillers they provided, they are asked to remove them politely. So much for brand

The fact that I am conscious of their elder brother is holding me back from knowing him too. He keeps to himself. Always in his room, creating amazing beats. I catch myself moving to those tunes sometimes.

I cannot wait to meet lots more people. I do know I made the right decision being here, and I am not turning back. I apologize to everyone that this decision hurt, I'll make it up to all of you.

Abuja is where my heart is, the environment is already welcoming me. I feel at home and peace. I want to build here... Everything. I will start with getting acquitted, then move over to schooling, afterward pursue my career. I may probably build my family here too, I am yet to decide this part.

The amazing part is that, I'll share each journey with you, I'll never run out of things to talk to you about. My blog is going to be hot, I hope you'll be here till the very end. I will be here too. I'll see you at the top. Happy Sunday.

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