When all that glitters is not gold|| craziest thing that has happened to me

It took me 12 hours of thinking to figure out a crazy moment in my life. Maybe that's because I'm an introvert and introverts rarely get involved with crazy moments, hehe. One thing I'm so proud of is my looks but this same look has gotten me into lots of trouble. The story I'm about to share happened in secondary school while I was in my final year. I've came across guys who found me attractive (I'm a guy Incase you're thinking about my gender) but most of them gave me signs and Immediately I avoided them but this particular guy came as a friend, no signs but with the name friendship or maybe he did but I didn't notice it.

I thought he was being generous with all the gifts he showered on me even though at some point I was concerned about his spending. My bunk was not far from his, he invited me on a few occasions to share his bed but I declined because the beds were too small for two persons to sleep without their body touching each other, especially a male. All this while, I assumed he had good intentions with everything he was doing not until I resumed school the first week of resumption and we were just 5 students in the hostel including him.

Photo source

One night, I decided to sleep in his corner. There were plenty of empty beds because just a few students had resumed. I felt I had nothing to worry about, so I joined him. In the middle of the night, I felt someone's hand touching my body, I didn't react, I allowed myself to assume he was the type who sleeps and rolls over the other person. Gradually he started to adjust his body closer to mine, all the moment I was awake, my eyes wide opened, just waiting to be sure if what I was thinking was it, I didn't want to react without evidence. The place was dark and it was just the two of us in that corner. When he noticed I wasn't reacting or probably assumed I was asleep, he tried to drag my shorts down and I felt his hands jerking his stuff and rolling it around my buttocks. That was it, I got the message. Immediately I adjusted from where he was and rolled far from where he was lying, he followed and I woke up and started pressing my phone. He didn't come any further.

I stayed awake with a lot of thoughts in my mind. His generosity was indeed a way of buying my interest and I thank God I wasn't a junior student for him to bully me. Gradually I started to avoid him. A week before graduation he came out boldly to tell me how much he loves me and wanted a relationship with me (A guy-guy relationship) and that was it but he never stopped asking me out even five years after school. I had to completely cease communication with him when it was obvious he was obsessed over me.

One screenshot Of His Message

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