Where's your mask dude? I'm a daredevil

So I decided to head out for the first time since the lockdown got relaxed in Kaduna. I had actually wanted to make this short commute for a while now, but put it off until I was sure movement was possible and life wouldn't be too tedious.

It was a pretty straightforward trip and I dare say that it is the best trip I have ever taken since I got into this city. Prior to Corona kicking ass, transportation was basically rickety old buses that got overloaded. In the past, these tiny buses would accommodate a minimum of 12 people including the driver and "conductor".


So that's me in the front seat, and behind me are two rows of seat that were originally designed to accomodate two or three people at most. Prior to all the social distancing rules, these buses would take four or more people per seat and while that was uncomfortable, it was cheaper. Nowadays, the price is twice what is once was, but so is the comfort.

okay maybe not too comfortable

So I'll be here till Tuesday, just hanging with a few friends and drinking vodka in swaths. I'll not be as active as I usually am because I want to just chill and watch movies but be rest assured that I'll do the most to have fun.

And here are a few more pictures of me without facemask like a daredevil

Took this one at home

Estate of my destination.

Remember to stay hydrated, use alcohol-based hand sanitizer for your hands and drink alcohol to sanitise your throat and stomach.

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