Exploring DeGods NFTs with Godly Characters

I recently got to know about Degods and thought of exploring this. NFT is one of the biggest segments in the crypto market and we get a massive variety of NFT tokens with different use cases and artwork. Some people try to create their collection of different NFTs and you never know what value it will be in future because it depends upon the market and overall adoption.


DeGods Is a great collection of non-fungible tokens and has over 10,000 NFTs listed. It has also got amazing creators and the listed artwork clearly shows it.

DeGods is a collection of 10,000 non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that feature godly characters with modern streetwear and ancient deity-inspired art. The collection was originally built on the Solana blockchain, but in December 2022, the DeGods team announced that it would move the collection to Ethereum

This was founded in 2021 and in this short period, this has grown a lot and got quite a big audience. The Nfts are here for different purposes and not just for the sake of artwork as on the homepage itself you will be able to see options like clubs and events. It represents the lifestyle. Certain NFTs allow us to be part of some clubs because the basic requirement is to hold the nft then only we will have access to those clubs.

The pace has also got a list of clubs which has got some leading ones and even you can go through the locations however that requires the nft holding because based on that you get access to that page. It is a utility of the NFT that makes us eligible to access these clubs location-wise which is like a premium accessibility for holding the nft.


It has also got a pace for the event where you can access the calendar for the month and the upcoming events are also showing. You'll be able to see the arrangement for the event and how it is organised which can be in the form of virtual or on a specific location and this information is also provided on the page.


For example, this is one of the virtual events and to participate registration is required. It is a virtual event that will be happening on the 26th of December. Everything related to the event is provided on the page and looks like it's a great event based on the details provided.


I don't own any NFT on this platform but for the first time I have seen anything like this where nft is not just an artwork instead it is driving a lifestyle differently. I would say it is more like a use case. I also expect that people would like it more because through these NFT tokens people would get access to the lifestyle which is not just fun but also exciting and something that is not available for everyone. It's a premium experience because the NFT would cost and by holding that it provides access to the offerings by Degods.

Presence in OpenSea

Degods is also available on Opensea which is a leading NFT market place and the floor price is also pretty good. The price is in the form of ETH coin here and the lowest is 2.75



The overall traction is very good for these nft in this marketplace and it shows that the community is growing and a lot of people like these types of nights that are offering a lifestyle and much more than just nft tokens. Certainly, it is a project that is worth exploring more and I expect that when the demand rises for these NFTs the prices are going to appreciate over time. I'll be trying to explore some more NFT on this to have an enhanced understanding.

Images are from https://degods.com

Some handy links-

Official Site- https://degods.com

twitter- https://twitter.com/degodsnft

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