"Nationality 国籍"



I was and am thinking about my nationality. I have a permanent residence visa in Canada but my nationality is Japanese. I have to renew my permanent residence card every few years forever. This causes anxiety for me more than I thought. If I have Canadian citizenship, I don't need to renew my residence card and I can join the voting system in Canada. Also, I can be eligible to get a pension when I become older. Life security or human rights is a very important thing for people.

Additionally, I sometimes feel fear to have different nationalities between family members. If something happens, having passports are a very important thing for the family. I think some Hive users also have a similar situation now especially during COVID-19. There are many limitations and restrictions to go back to their original countries.

It is illegal to have dual or multiple citizenship in Japan. If I get Canadian citizenship, I have to resign from Japanese citizenship... This is a very serious situation for Japanese people who live in different countries. If I resign from Japanese citizenship, I will lose my census status in Japan. It means I will become a foreigner when I go to Japan to see my Japanese family. I will become a foreigner... it is such a shocking thing if I lose Japanese citizenship. Also, I can only stay up to 90 days. This situation is not only my issue. This is a big issue for future children or young people who have Japanese citizenship. Usually, children have to resign one citizenship when they become 20. There are many complicated situations for many families.

Canadian society is very diverse and there are many different types of people from different countries. Currently, as of 2020, there were just above eight million immigrants with permanent residents living in Canada. I think we will have more immigrants in 2021-2122 in Canada. There are many immigrants who have multiple citizenships in Canada. When I had a Citizenship Test Orientation course, my classmates looked very happy to have multiple citizenship. Yet, I was not happy because I couldn't take the test even though I really wanted to get Canadian citizenship. And also, that was a very meaningful and great course. I shouldn't lose Japanese citizenship now. I have to support my Japanese family.

Japanese courts upheld a ban on dual citizenship. Japan is one of around 50 countries internationally that only permits its citizens to hold one nationality even though this law was created in the Meiji period and our modern law is different from the old one. A group of people is trying to change the Japanese law about dual citizenship at the Japanese court. They are a volunteer group that seeks a revision of Article 11 of the Nationality Act. I joined petition before. There are more details about this case written in English and Japanese. This case will be heard next March again at the Tokyo supreme court. I hope the situation will become better.







My Site: https://koto-art.wixsite.com/mysite-1

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