每日一画Daily Artwork

今天的作品是来自《葬送的芙莉莲》中的菲伦。这是一部特别好看的番剧,剧情构思精妙,人物刻画的形象生动。这部番无论是作画还是音乐,都是顶级的。强烈推荐没看过的朋友去看一下,其中的菲伦也是我最喜欢的角色。非常可爱! 如果喜欢的话,请关注我,并为我投一票!该图片是由人工智能合成,使用的工具是Stable Diffusion。
Today's artwork features Fern from Frieren: Beyond Journey's End. This anime is exceptionally well-crafted, with a brilliantly woven plot and vividly portrayed characters. The animation and music are top-tier. I highly recommend it to anyone who hasn't watched it yet. Fern, who is also my favorite character, is incredibly adorable! If you like this, please follow me and give me a vote! This image was created using AI, specifically with the tool Stable Diffusion.

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