
Hello everyone at Peakd. I am here because Michael introduced this platform to me. Also, thanks him a lot for helping me setting up this account. it is really a new platform to me, but I found it is quite interesting. Let’s enjoy here.
大家好,我是 Emma。首先多謝Michael 介紹Peakd 這個平台給我,也十分感謝他協助我開這個 account.

My name is Emma, and I am from Hong Kong. I like reading and writing. Currently my writing is mainly about family life and parenting story, because I have two daughters and one dog. My two little girls are 6 years 10 months and 4 months old, respectively.

Sisters' Love.jpeg

For reading, now I spend certain time to reading together with my daughters, so as to establish their reading habit. It’s good that my elder girl does like reading now.

My dog, named Pooh, is a poodle, 8 years old, is nearly an old dog. It is black and white and we love it.
我們也養有一隻貴婦狗,暱稱 Pooh 豬,8歲了,差不多是老狗啦。它身體大部分都是黑色,而胸部、下巴及前右腳是白色,很特別吧!


One of my favourite quotes is “You must be the change you want to see in the world” from Gandhi. Whatever your dream is, or whatever you want to be, change now and work hard for it, then you will getting closer and closer to it.

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