Tales of the Urban Explorer: The Sad Story of the Wild Boar Hotel

A lot has happened at the Wild Boar Hotel in the last few months. In the duration of two weeks, it became a celebrity Urban Exploration visit and a tour bus special.


Urbex Terminology: 'tour bus' – Not to be taken literally. When a location gets so popular that buses of people arrive and it's more akin to a popular beach resort.



This presents its own problems. The Urban Exploration community is huge on Facebook and the popularity of it exploding.


If a location is revealed publically the whole community will know where it is within hours, especially something that looks as visually pleasing as the Wild Boar Hotel with its Tudor styling.


This leads to further problems as the vandals, dickheads, spray paint boys and thieves all learn about it, get in their cars and drive there to have their fun in the form kicks or material wealth.

…'is it any wonder that people don't want to give out locations?'…

Personally, I was waiting for the tour bus expeditions to finish so I could go and see what was left and what I witnessed sickened me.


I first encountered the Wild Boar Hotel almost 18-months beforehand while I was in the area one weekend.

That particular day was foggy as it was February, and I pulled up in the car park not expecting to gain access to the premises.


...'February 2019'...


...'July 2020'...

I took a few shots in monochrome noting than the old pub was run down but quite intact. A builder arrived shortly after parking close to me but made no contact on my departure.

These are some of the images I shot that day and show the building in good condition. I looked through the windows and it was gutted inside.

Since then the interior has been fixed up and re-decorated quite lavishly.


...'February 2019'...


...'July 2020'...

I could see that from the emerging Facebook photography of 2 months ago. Now I will show you what it looks like presently.

There is little point hiding the fact that access to The Wild Boar Hotel is as open as it ever gets. There are more open entrances than sealed ones, and you might wonder why the owners are doing nothing about it.


In sections, entire walls are missing. Who in their right fucking mind breaks down a full upper wall of a lovely building, and how would you even do that?

…’if a building could portray emotion, The Wild Boar Hotel would be hysterically sobbing without any pause to breathe’..


Entire doors were missing, not just open but gone.



I could see the effort the owners had placed into making this section really nice.


It still looks good if you ignore the bent chandelier these wankers were swinging on a few weeks back.


This is another angle of the wall that is now missing from the inside. I am thinking this was once a check-in area with what looks like a desk for a clerk.

When winter arrives with the rain and snow what is going to look like?


As an Urban Explorer who strictly doesn't touch things, take things, steal things, destroy things, vandalize things, paint things I was truly sickened with what I saw at the Wild Boar Hotel.



What happened to the mantra, 'take nothing but photographs, leave nothing but footprints'. Some of the recent visitors do fall into this category while others clearly do not.



The more of it I took in the quicker I wanted to leave. What I was seeing didn't interest me at all and I did not look around with my usual vigorous enthusiasm.


...'this set of tables and chairs were setup quite elegantly until recent times. Now they are kicked over and upturned'...

I have seen images of people stealing equipment from The Wild Boar Hotel (publically exposed on Facebook), and I know that number plates have been recorded and names forwarded to the local police.



The information and feedback I have received from certain trusted people is that nothing has been done and no arrests have been made.

…’I couldn’t wait to leave The Wild Boar Hotel, such were the awful images I saw’…

I think it was the fact that I had seen this lovely location intact and ready for restoration that it hit me so hard.



Then seeing the décor inside, compared to my memories of it being gutted ... that really did it.



Trust me, I have seen many shells, wrecks, and fire-bombed properties but none of them registered like this one.




For the moment The Wild Boar Hotel has dropped off the active Facebook radar, I hope it stays that way. It seriously needs sealing up and securing.






I left @dizzydiscovery to finish off his video and photography work and went back to the car. I had seen enough and will never return to The Wild Boar Hotel.


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Drooling Maniac.JPG

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