Tales of the Urban Explorer: PineTops Health & Leasure Complex

What do you do in a sunny climate, in the middle of summer when you want to be spoiled and laze around the pool drinking Pina Coladas?

Come to PineTops Health and Leisure Complex, with all the latest gadgets, benefits, and astonishingly low prices.


It’s all an illusion. This is in the vicinity of the Beatles homeland, it is sunny but the drinks and waiters fetching them have been long since vacated.

The palm trees were still a nice touch and I could imagine a scene from 'Club Tropicana' going on within the outside grounds. If you are too young to understand, then watch the video.


The first thing I noticed was the great big sign? Hang on a minute, there are families of people walking around in there and the gates are wide open. What is that all about?


There was a guard sat outside what looked like a beefeater box but he seemed to be asleep or at least dozing off; so much for the diligent security.



We quickly snuck around the far side - that is as far away from the guard as we could and arrived in hellish Tropicana settings.

…'it was a warm day and the best time to come here but still I did not fancy a dip'…

We quickly got inside thanks to a tight gap and arrived at the reception entrance.



No Pina Coladas on the menu, but many of those protein shakes; very fitting.


The fire safety audit must have gone well as the complex lasted a further 4 years, this is dated 2011.


Sandwiches £4, drinks £3. About average I would say.


Why does everyone throw stuff into the swimming pool? At least it's relatively graffiti-free.


I do wonder if Millie Darwin got a refund or was stitched up? I do feel sorry for Millie's Mum.




The Sauna had not fared any better. Some vandals have visited before us.



I can see this place was swish before it closed. Something bad must have happened, or the management was rotten.


...'@dizzydiscovery barely manages to overcome collapsing roof parts while juggling his extensive gear'...

Both of us had a little problem with the piece of the roof which was blocking the stairway. Damn inconsiderate of it.



That chandelier does look a little cheap and has been manhandled by someone.


What do you think of those prices? Would you join PineTops Health and Leisure Complex?



Now what is this, the licensing registrar for what exactly? Did they know the end was nigh, and yet still accepted new registrations? What a bunch of twats.


No rest for those staff. Early, middle and late shifts.




We crept up the back of the building approaching the guard; part of the building was inaccessible which used to be a restaurant.


After finding no way in, we back-tracked to the front and took some shots, oblivious now to any watching eyes as we were leaving.

Mr. Guard had woken from his afternoon doze so we questioned him.

He verified PineTops Health and Leisure Complex had been closed since 2014. We knew better as proven by Millie's application in early January.


The restaurant,’Shorrocks’ was an independent outlet and closed around the same time.

I guess one fed off the other. Do your gym time, and then put it all back on with a large plate of chips and gravy next door?


A little searching found me what it looked like once and a priceless comment.

The centre closed on 24 January 2015, due to financial problems, according to the note left on the door. There were no signs of it reopening.

Now I do feel sorry for Millie's Mum. I'm still humming Club Tropicana as I finish writing this. 'Club Tropicana's drinks are Frreeeeeeee...'

Tagging @raj808 as he specifically asked me too for any Merseyside explores.


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