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Tales of the Urban Explorer: Ousefleet Hall Lodge

When it comes to residential properties I always ask myself, 'Should I reveal its identity or give it some stupid name?'

In many cases, it depends on if there's anything of worth inside, and if thieves are going to visit due to my declaration of information.

Ousefleet Hall Lodge’ has been visited by many explorers and I found it within minutes as the beans had already been spilled. There seems little point in trying to scrape them back into the can.

It was a supremely hot day, around 32C which would be better suited to the tropics, yet I found myself heading to East Yorkshire with @goblinknackers intent on finding this old manor house.

Being in the middle of nowhere had saved this one's bacon, and after driving past it once and doubling back we found it hidden deep in some trees, now almost invisible from the roadside.


…’this image from 2013 shows ‘Ousefleet Hall Lodge’ during more habitable times’

Ousefleet Hall Lodge was lived in by the 'Dunstan' family up until it was sold to developers in March 2007 for £354,000. The property entered the market again in 2017 at £446,000 but failed to sell. It remains vacant and derelict as of 2021.

The property (above) looks in fine condition and is un-boarded considering it's been empty for SIX years. I can't be sure the information quoted is historically correct.

We trampled through long grass and looked upon the house. It must have been grand once and I noticed it didn’t take to being photographed very well.

That mottled brickwork somehow messes up the images and tries to make them blurred. Thanks, house!

Passing by the front door archway I noticed the AD 1869 marker. It did not look that old, or had it been re-designed since victorian days?

We headed to the back which was very junglesque and quickly found ourselves inside with little effort, only to be confronted with what looked like human shit in the sink. Oh lovely.

I wasn’t expecting a great deal of inner content from ‘Ousefleet Hall Lodge’ having seen some other reports but was surprised with what lay inside.

Some of the kitchen units had been torn out and it may take more than this ‘Home Electrics’ manual to fix things up.

I feel some sympathy for 'Emma' who could well have been the house slave, that's a lot of work for one person.

This clock’s time had frozen long ago.

Explorers like their energy drinks and frequently leave their shit behind.

It could almost pass for 'working condition' if the floor was not so filthy.

The 'Dunstans' were quite a charitable folk donating to the Salvation Army regularly.

Radiators pulled away and floorboards missing. This can only be the work of the wanker crew.

Other areas of the house were still in workable condition if you look the other way concerning mold on the walls.

Just who takes the time to rip up floorboards? It mystifies me why they do it.

Granted, getting to the toilet is a little problematic, but they could have taken that dump outside.

A doorway that appears to be blocked; there could have been anything behind it including rotting corpses.

That is quite a spider infestation. @goblinknackers has a phobia so kept well away.

This is where it gets interesting. I came upon some paperwork which details Mrs. Dunstan being in an accident, and the other driver blaming her.

Hand-written letters in the year 2000 seem a little overkill. I would have been printing them but I’m a tech geek.

He’s getting quite heated about it all to the insurance company. It is very readable if you squint.

The final printed letter appears to have not resolved anything. Mr Dunstan is not happy about a 50/50 offer. I mean, it's either your fault or it's not. I do wonder what the outcome was?

Speaking of which, it does go to show that having a huge flashy house can have a detrimental effect on your cash flow. Unauthorised daily charges of £3.50, jeez!

I don't think it works anymore; maybe that's why he wrote all those words and didn't use the typewriter.

A very green-looking room, now even more so with the number of spores attached to the wall.

What possessions remained where strewn about in this long corridor, some below the floorboards.

…’can I get up there if I stand on the telly?' - @goblinknackers looks up in deliberation and contemplates the ascent’…

Ousefleet Hall Lodge’ is structurally very sound and could house someone else after a tad of work is done.

Lots of other bits of paperwork and a classic console game; unfortunately the cartridge was missing.

Only in Yorkshire do you get these antique stoves; as solid as they come.

What a mess, this is going to take some serious refurbishment.

We exited noticing the roadkill as I almost stepped on it and then had to take cover from a crazy motorist doing 70MPH.

Poor little rodent; as it's a rural area the drivers drive like nutters.

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