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Tales of the Urban Explorer: Abandoned Scan

Abandoned Scan’ had me very nervy. I was having one of those déjà-vu moments of a year before.. similar to my encounter at Tetrosyl.

Ironically @anidiotexplores (who I then knew but did not explore with) had told me about that old chemical plant, arrived with some others, and left as he had a ‘bad feeling’ about it.

This one will be gone in a few weeks”, @anidiotexplores explained to me. “The whole site is getting demolished”.

Hopefully digger machines with huge claws won’t arrive, penetrate the roof and crush us while we are inside..., I thought pensively.

With lots of threats of security, things were not looking optimistic from the front. The fence while climbable had a lot of that green spiky shit farside.

My colleague had been assured this was abandoned and someone had been inside recently. Still, I wasn't quite sure but seeing that this was the only building left on the other side of those gates semi-convinced me it was worth a crack.

Once again we had to find the way in and hope the local nosey bastards would not call the cops. The grounds were relatively easy to access after some scouting and my mind was put at slight ease when I spotted the obvious signs of neglect.

...'creeping about this once industrial estate was unnerving me and trying desperately to keep out of sight I waited for the expectant '...Oyyyyyyy...' to come any second'...

That’s it..”, my colleague chirped up.

“What.. that ever so small gap?”

"Yeah, let's go"

I can never fault @anidiotexplores for arsing about. He was climbing up in seconds and through the gap leaving me thinking..

How the fuck can I get through a hole that small?

Not wanting to be thwarted I hauled myself up, used the rail for leverage, and swung my feet through bending my back the wrong way.

This is never a good idea and if it wasn’t for the handy chair on the far side would have suffered some permanent damage.

"Aaarggghh… my fucking back!", came the predictable yelp of pain laced with profanity.

Pro TIP: Backs only bend one way unless you're a trained gymnast. Always twist around and ignore those glass shards cutting into your skin. At least you won't suffer permanent back damage.

The shit I suffer doing this very dangerous hobby of mine. Once inside I thoroughly convinced myself that this was in fact abandoned.., and looked promising.

It quickly became apparent this was some mass storage facility, they had taken off and left most of the goods behind.

Industrial packaging equipment; Packmat says that to me.

I am not sure what this is, looks like it would be better suited in a laboratory.

So it’s all a little rusty, but serviceable.

We were not the first unwelcome visitors. The goods were spread haphazardly over the floor.

Water was not helping. I had to tip-toe over some areas as the flooding was prominent.

Scrambling down this corridor took me into one almighty big room.

Talk about masses of stuff. I didn’t know where to look. Walking to the other side of the massive room and seeing if there was anything of interest seemed the logical thing to do.

PC Motherboards and cases everywhere.

Some areas looked in decent condition and others like it had been empty for years. The peeling paintwork is a sure sign of dampness.

Scan Computers, but the address is their current office, not the one I was standing in. They have been at that address for years so what the fuck was this place. A place they did PC repairs?

Talk about overwhelming size wise, the snaps do not do it justice.

In the bottom right corner is says Feb 1986. Why would anyone date a sign like that?

The safe was sturdy, but as usual, empty.

I think these are case plates for PCs to stop your computer from being unsightly.

It was tempted to open one, but I loathe looking at junk mail and it had that flavour.

Some of this stuff was brand new.

Those fancy PC cases, all boxed up. No, I was not tempted to nick one!

Someone left the cold water tap on.

This was confusing. I thought we were looking at PC parts, not Asian food.

What's in the boxes with the sealed wrap? I honestly did not look, as this is verging on the edge of what we are about.

Yes, it’s abandoned and yes there’s a lot of money in here. That makes me edgy.

Things were getting stranger as we made out way back to the entrance point. Those PC cases were somehow mutating into strange foodstuffs.

Now we had to get out again through the damn window. After @andiotexplorers almost broke his back exiting, I mastered the art of turning midway and escaped injury.

Just a few marks to my naval area, but that is to be expected. What a place and what a rush! No cops, no Karen’s, it was our lucky day.


What this was still confuses me. Scan International is a large distributor of computer products and I have bought many items from them in the past.

At one point in time, they must have used this building as some kind of storage facility as their logos and documentation were everywhere. The document I found says to me it was their repair centre. Does anyone repair IT gear these days?

Yet their address is NOT this address but their retail facility which is very much alive. Due to the amount of valuable gear, we found inside I am not going to reveal the location as I believe it is still standing and awaiting demolition.

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