Fails of the Urban Explorer: The Old Houses

Old and decrepit houses are part and parcel of Urban Exploring. Here are a few we visited and failed to get inside.


No doubt in the future they may become accessible again and can be revisited.


The Old House

I picked this one up from another Urban Explorer who took a photograph from the topmost window which looked over a main road.

The road I recognised only too well as I used to work close by. By using my powers of deduction, angles, trigonometry, Pythagoras' theories, and advanced algebra all brought together, it took me to the steps of 'The Old House'


...'why is everything so clear besides the house? Bloody ghosts and spirits ruining my photographs.. they are inconsiderate bastards at times'...

'The Old House' didn't want me to photograph it and despite several attempts they all turned out a bit shit and messy like these.

I was going to ditch them; maybe the sun was shining too brightly that day or maybe an evil presence was telling me to fuck off. I'm going for the evil spirit conspiracy.


How that other dude got in beats me as it was well sealed. Maybe he got a guided tour courtesy of this estate agent.


£50,000 for a detached property is some kind of bargain. Are you interested @goblinknackers?


The back street led to someone else's back door and was not a way in. It was a bad start to the day.


The Ivy House

DizzyDiscovery noticed this one, honked me and we both stopped to have look. Covid-19 has forced us to travel separately which sucks but is necessary if we want to avoid fines.


Was there anyone living there? You have to make sure properties are truly abandoned before looking around.

DizzyDiscovery pointed out the ivy had recently been pulled off from the front of the house. It did look that way.


A woman walked past us giving us funny lingering stares. I didn't feel she lived there but did feel it was time to abandon this one and move on. We don't want plod arriving.


The Roadside Farm

It took a little work to find this and thanks to a GoonTuber who gave away a little too much information, I did after some perseverance.


He got inside but did he do it without breaking in? This particularly Gooner is more akin to Spiderman, so I have to give him the benefit of the doubt.


It doesn’t look like a farm but could be called a small one with barns around one side and the rear.


Getting close was problematic as pedestrians were walking up and down in the afternoon sun, all seemingly taking lots of notice of the dude with a massive light and the other one with a ton of photography clobber.


We had to scramble around the back, over a wall and several metal fences shooing sheep away at the same time to get close enough to check for access points.

Not a chance, and well sealed. Love the improvised door seal!


Brook House

Brook House was a huge disappointment as I had it marked down as a given. The front door was supposed to be ajar, and yes it is but attached is a brand new padlock.



...'couldn't they have left this off until after we had been in? We will be back and Brook House will be conquered!'...


The side of the house was no better; wooden seals had been added, though some were older and graffiti-scarred.


Getting around the back? There was too much shit to clamber over. What the fuck was in these bin bags, body parts?


The fence was the spiky topped type, great for piercing my bollocks and little else. Brook House is one for another day.



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