What Happened the Day I Explored the Rumored Killer Pool


Down the green waters
A shadow of sadness lurks
Making my eyes hurt

I didn't wake up early on the second day of our shooting. Honestly, I don't want to go there because I think they can handle it pretty well without me. Unfortunately, I have the hard copy of our script. It's kind of their main reference for each scene because it's much easier to read the scripts from there than the copy on the phone, so I had no choice but to move my lazy ass out of my beloved bed. I woke up at 6:30 in the morning, which is already late for me because I usually wake up around 4:00 to 5:00 in the morning.


preparing the script and my personal stuff

I'm tired from yesterday, so I was really sluggish during my preparation. I finished preparing myself at almost 8:00, and I arrived way past the time we're expected to. I know that my classmates will not really be in that house early because they are not really fond of being punctual. When I arrived at the house, there were still a few of us, even if I intentionally came up late. I realized that I underestimated their tardiness. We waited for a few or several more minutes before the whole cast was completed.


fixing our exhibit projects while @queeniemary posed!

That day, I decided to just stay outside the house and just come inside if I'm needed to. I already explored the house the prior day, so I don't really see the need to go inside it again. Maybe you are thinking I'm afraid, which is partly true because I still can't get over the creeps that I've experienced the other day. Half of the day went smoothly for me because I didn't have many things to do during the shooting. I just did my project in other subjects, and I occasionally stopped when my classmates asked me something about a specific scene.


a quick photo op before lunch break with my friends and @helianthus-chloe

After the lunch break, the shooting continued. The heat was still scorching, and it's really hot even if you're in the shade. Later on, we decided to shoot some of the scenes near the pool. I was quite hesitant about whether the location would really suit the scene, so to make sure, we visited the enclosed area surrounding the pool. I haven't seen the pool yet, so I was curious about what it looked like. Also, it's quite mind-boggling why they separate the pool from the house.


I mean, is there really a need to enclose it with tall gates? Why so?

We entered the gate, and indeed, the place looks really abandoned. Contrary to the house, which looks well-maintained, the pool side looks completely abandoned. It seems forgotten because the plants that were planted nearby either withered or grew too much. Despite the heat, the water didn't get drained. The part where you can see the white part was shallow, but I think the darker part is really deep. I tried to determine if it was really deep by dropping a rock to see if it would be submerged immediately. Unfortunately, I didn't hear it hit the bottom, so I guess it's really deep.


me and @queeniemary gazing curiously below the green waters

I noticed a floater floating on the right side of the pool. Upon seeing it, I remembered what the children told us on the first day we entered the house. It's about the rumor of the child who drowned in the said pool. It said that there was once a child who swam in the pool, and with no clear reason stated, the child accidentally drowned. They said that the people there tried to save and revive the child, but unfortunately, he or she didn't make it.


I gaze upon the dark green waters, not knowing if I can really believe what possibly happened there. I don't usually believe that rumor because I've already heard similar or even the same story a lot of times, and I've seen stories like that in horror movies' plots. Basically, for me, it's like an overused, malicious rumor that's just meant to scare us. I continued walking around the pool, silently admiring the once glorious pool. Even inside the poolside, there's a lot of bougainvilleas that thrive, and since it was May at that time, their flowers are blooming brightly. Before we left it, I decided to ask my classmate to take a picture of me near the bright flowers.


It's almost 5:00 p.m. when we finish our shooting near the pool. I stayed for a while near the shade of the small bougainvillea in the playground, then I proceeded to the monkey bars to play for a while. I thought that day would pass without any creepy experience, but I think it's always towards evening when it comes. I was just dangling in the monkey bars when I felt somebody push me. I laughed because I thought it was just my classmates who were pushing me.


My body swung due to a strong force that pushed me. I thought it would stop, but I continued swinging until my knee bumped the hard metal of the semi-circle monkey bars. That's where I shouted to stop, but it didn't, so I released the grip of my hands from the monkey bars, and I landed butt first on the ground. I was quite mad because I know somebody really pushed me. But my anger disappeared when I realized I was alone.


I tried to look around, but none of my classmates were near me. Most of them are busy packing their stuff in front of the door of the house, so basically it's just me there in the playground. My anger was suddenly replaced with fear, and without thinking further, I stood up and ran towards the house. When I arrived at the house, I calmed myself because if they knew what happened to me, they'd panic too. I uttered a prayer to calm my senses because, honestly, I'm so afraid at that time.


When I'm done arranging my things, I look at the monkey bars and see my classmates nonchalantly sitting there. I'm glad that they didn't know what happened to me there, because if they knew, they wouldn't be sitting there carelessly. I took pictures of the surroundings of the house as remembrance. The sky looked so majestic and, at the same time, so beautiful that it made me feel sad for a while. It wasn't exactly the ideal and memorable day, but it's definitely a day that I won't forget.


The shooting process of our film was not the same as what I expected because I thought it would go smoothly. There were a lot of problems and delays that happened during it. Honestly, it was far from what I anticipated it to be, but I'm glad it was already finished. As for the house and the stories behind why it was kind of abandoned, nobody really knows if those rumors were true. Sometimes there are things that are better left unknown.



That ends my experience on the day where I explored the killer pool. It wasn't really that scary, because if it were, then I would not be here telling you all of these, right? I'm thankful that you've finished reading it, and I'm hoping you also enjoyed it. See you in my next blog, Hivers!

Tanoshinde ne minna-san~

All of the pictures that were used were either taken by my classmate/s or by your truly, ridgette.

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