The Abandoned Bibleschool

Oh boy, how am I gonna fit it all into one post. I have more than 50 photos that I want to share. Or perhaps I am being overemotional - these sites always tend to create more emotions for the one who has visited them. Doesn't matter, documenting and sharing what we saw is the main goal here, I had to omit a hundred photos already anyway.

'Twas another sunny day here in these parts, can't say I was unhappy about it. We had just recently learned about this abondened bibleschool quite near, I was surprised I hadn't heard about it before. But as time progresses, expect more people to flock the site and the building to get more destroyed in the process.

Grabbed a cold beer for nice walk at Peter the Great's Naval Fortress buildings at the beach later and headed out. Perhaps I'll make a brief post about the bunkers on the beach later, not sure if I have enough fresh material.

Anyway, the bibleschool was our main objective so we headed there. I wouldn't have found this on my own, but found some direction online, parked our car a few hundred meters away on the road and walked the rest. The bibleschool sits in quiet solitude behind some trees and looks very accessible if you want to climb a bit.

The letters painted on the wall proclaim that this is the bibleschool that we were looking for. Thanks!

Guess no-one has played hoops here for a while

Of course, there was a destroyed gas mask just lying around in front of the abandoned school. Why? Maybe just to creep us out more.

We decided to check out the sidebuildings first. These were mostly filled with trash, but had some interesting locations anyway.

It was obvious some bums had been living here and punks had been here destroying stuff and painting walls with bad graffiti.

The kitchen cabinets were mostly empty, with some plates and dishes here and there.

Someone who had been living here, seemed to have been a fan of romantic novels, found a few from Nora Roberts and from others lying around.

Guess this was some sort of office? Papers and documents, maps, toolsheds filled with lots of furniture and wood materials.

Don't mess with the Draftmaster!

Alright alright, lets get out of this corner and tackle the main building, shall we?

We circled around the back, noticing some nice wallart - we really should have more of this kind of quality graffiti.

Reached the back of the main building.

These second floor windows looked ominous. Was there a fire?

Another corner and we found our entry spot, and with minor difficulty, some dropped sunglasses and dirtying up my white shorts, managed to get inside.

This seemed to be the staff part of the building. Tools, wares, stuffs lying around.

This picture looked like some old creepy lady was gonna jump right out of it. World Heritage my ass! "Creepy creepster" is more like it!

Still smelled gas around this gas canister. Weird, huh. Does the mind play tricks in dark and creepy places?

Almost no light here.

There were even some totally intact and decent-looking cabinets in the depths of some rooms there.

Reached a larger room, which seemed to be a dumping ground for all kinds of stuff. Furniture, rugs, cardboard boxes and we even found a streetlight lamp. My photo of the lamp failed though due to lack of natural light, dust flying in the air and my crappy phone camera.

Looks like we found the kitchen. Vents and some kitchen appliances were still present.

I wonder what was this weird room for? Looks like a prison cell rather than something fit for a school.

Someone had really worked hard to make this wall lined with stones. Maybe it was for their handcrafts class or something?

This picture gives me the heebie jeebies. Look at that creepy cross on the ship. I wonder, why religious stuff creeps me out like that? I guess because religion has been tied to many horrors in history.

Moving on.

Of course the key cabinet was empty. Not like there was anything to unlock.

Moving on to upper floors. Seems like these were student quarters, living rooms and perhaps classrooms here.

Many rooms still had curtains, flapping in the wind with all windows broken or open.

Newspapers datng back to 1987 lining the walls below the wallpaper.

Contrary to the lower levels, here was much more light, here in the upper levels.

"Please leave the door open at nighttime, the banging is very disturbing", the sign on the bathroom door proclaimed. We're around the spot where we noticed those creepy burnt rooms from the outside.

Hmm, the toilets look good enough. But why are those toilet bowls so close to each other? Did they hold hands while pooping?

This is the burnt room. Has a bad vibe even despite the sunlight peeking in. We didn't linger here much.

We moved higher to the third floor, passing the small hatch to the roof. We'll be coming back to this later :)

More student rooms here, probably recreation rooms, washing rooms, and even a sauna.

How the hell are there footprints on the blackboard that is used to board up the window?

Ooh, another adult wallart! Well hello there!

Someone had collected a bunch of chairtops here.


There was a bunch more to see, but we had spent quite a lot of time here already, so decided to backtrack to the exit, with a quick stop at the roof access.

Of course we had to climb it - quite a nice view up there and the sun had warmed to roof up nicely for us.


That's the sidebuilding down there.


There was another shell of a building in the trees there, but it looked like it was totally empty with trees overgrown, so we skipped that one for now, time limitations and all that.


Have to say, the bibleschool was one of the coolest visitations recently, so probably gonna come back here sometime in the future.

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