Courtyard spaces. 5th microdistrict. Part 6

When shooting in different genres, I act in different ways. In order to immerse myself in street photography, I turn on my mind, that is, I use all possible skills, techniques and experience. In order to immerse myself in photographing courtyard spaces, I turn off my mind, that is, all experience and skills work automatically, and I only pay attention to what steals this attention.

That is, when I walk, I'm not looking for composition, but light and color.

Different genres of photography are like different worlds that are at different frequencies. And when I said that it is difficult to shoot simultaneously in different genres, I was right.

If I tune in to the frequency (wave) of light and color, then the composition will be difficult to master. It's like a triangle and white...well, that is, not even from different branches of physics, but like physics and geometry.

And since these elements are from different worlds, then different worlds are obtained in the photo.

It doesn't matter if you shoot at night or during the day. You can tune in to the wave of geometry and composition and then you will have difficulty seeing light and color. And the whole series of pictures will be made on a completely different wavelength and, accordingly, in a different theme.

If you think about balance, it is not always there. Balancing the genres of photography is the hardest part.

You can also immerse yourself in the light in the daytime, and I already have such pictures in line.

The main thing is to clearly define in advance what wave you want to tune in before shooting.

Many times I went out without any mood for the wave, trying to catch it during the shooting. The result is always ambiguous and often unsatisfactory.

If you do not tune in to the wave, that is, do not know in advance what result you want to get, then you will not get this result.

Yes, you can quickly navigate during the walk and understand that today you want to shoot trees...or the struggle of yellow and blue colors...or with a bias in the landscape.

As elsewhere, there are exceptions: if you plunge into space very deeply and surrender to circumstances, listen only to your heart and see only what steals attention, then you can take pictures of everything. After such a shooting, when you sit down to process the photos, it seems that you see them for the first time, and the shooting took place like in a dream.

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