Exploring empty houses in a Brisbane suburb

The long overgrown grass and neglected gardens of three nice looking old houses sitting in a row was the first big clue that people no longer lived at 81, 83 and 85 Lang Parade in Auchenflower, Brisbane.




Surrounded by Units, busy property development and positioned close to The Wesley Hospital it was obvious the owners had been paid out by developers. At a guess the houses looked to be 60 plus years old and looked to be in good condition. I don't blame the owners for leaving and only hope they got a good price.

Once upon a time families lived happily in these houses filling the street with chatter, laughter and music. There must be so many stories. What was left now was an air of sad emptiness and me, an intrigued busy body me to take some closer sneak peaks around the back of the house 81.


Nothing ventured nothing gained is my motto and anyway I see myself as a bit of an urban adventurer entering a property illegally. (I have learned from the ever great @slobberchops.) Nothing too exciting, only a short walk down the drive way of number 81.


At the back I found the stairs and feeling hopeful up I went to only find a locked door. So no go into the house!


But, lady luck was on my side when I edged around the not very healthy potted umbrella tree strategically placed to deter nosey trespassers.


Feeling a little disappointed I found it not at all interesting under the house. No interesting rubbish, no vandalism, no graffiti, just tidy and empty with lots of great looking house stumps. This house was in good nick.


A couple of newish modern air conditioning units obviously kept the house cool. No-one has stolen them so that is a plus.


The Reem hot water system looked functional so it may still worked.


Looking at these old cement washing tubs, I would hazard a guess that this house was built maybe as early as the 1940's. Aren't they beauties, I bet an old wringer washing machine sat down here next to these tubs several decades ago.


In the overgrown grassy backyard there was an old clothesline with a satellite dish for streaming apps, and a railway track 20 metres away from the house. Dread oh dread, how noisey for people living here. Especially now with trains constantly running day and night.


I turned away from the house toward to check out the quaint old garage secured by a chain and paddock..........


....... to walk up the old weedy and grassy driveway toward the footpath.


I am glad I ventured into this place just to check it out and am mildly glad nobody caught me out, But, on the other hand nobody took any notice of me.

I am left wondering when the houses will be demolished for the new modern concrete businesses and or unit buildings. I understand progress but always feel sad when old houses from time gone bye, disappear altogether.

Adventure number 2 post at number 83 post is to come





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