Love don't cost no dine


Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. It's something you feel. It's shared experiences, laughter, and passion. It's found in the little things, like holding hands or finishing each other's sentences. Love is the essence of all creations. The essence of art, the essence of dance, the essence of music, the essence of poetry and life.

It costs no amount of money. It cannot be bought, sold, traded, or quantified. Love is found in the hearts of those we know and love, and in the memories we make along the way. If you fall in love with something then it becomes priceless.

Everyone needs a hero. People who go beyond the call of duty, people who light up the room with a smile and exude positivity and make every day happier. Questing to find the love of your life can be a costly affair. But we think that the love of your life is not one who will cost you a fortune, but instead be someone who has the power to make a difference in your life.

Love is priceless, It costs no amount of money, but is worth more than the world. It reaches beyond time, but lives in each moment. It holds no boundaries, but can cross all barriers. It has no limits, but knows no end. Love is the foundation and beginning of everything in the universe. Love is easy, but not always simple. Love knows the truth, but requires a little faith. Love hurts sometimes, but lasts forever. Love is unconditional, but sometimes we need a reminder.
People pay for mistakes, people pay for hate, people pay for violence, people pay for abuse, people pay for confusion, people pay for lies, people pay for pain, people pay for death and for bondage.

Love is kind. Love means acceptance.
Love means freedom, But too often, we are so busy paying attention to what it might cost on the surface that we forget to look at how precious it really is. We forget to look at how good it makes us feel, how warm it can make relationships, how triumphant it can be, and how amazing it is to have someone in your life who loves you.

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