La historia del amor de mi vida [ESP][ENG]

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La historia del amor de mi vida


Hablemos de amor, de cómo encontramos a ese amor que tanto anhelamos, que tanto queremos. Un amor para vivirlo a plenitud, un amor que nos cambia la vida.

Hoy no quiero hablarles de cómo conocí al amor de mi vida, nunca he contado esto y no sé por qué me acordé y quise escribirlo.

Fue en agosto, un viernes cualquiera, coloque una imagen en Instagram que decía que mi día estaba aburrido. Yo en ese entonces, me escondía en un cuarto de la casa donde vivía porque no quería estar cerca de las personas que vivían conmigo en ese momento.

Él me escribe y me dice: "¿dónde vives?" Yo veo el mensaje y mi corazón se emociona porque cuando yo vi que me seguía, no estaba segura si era el muchacho que iba al sitio donde yo trabajaba y me veía con ojos brillosos.

Inmediatamente le digo que no puedo decirle porque en ese momento no podía verlo, dado a ciertas circunstancias que impedían que lo viera. A los días, me seguía escribiendo, pero puntual. Un día, me escribe y comienza a preguntarme que donde estoy, en ese momento estaba trabajando y me dice, que está cerca que me iba a ver. Le dije que no fuera porque yo no iba a salir.

Al final me escribe y me dice: "Sal, te traje unas galletas, estoy al lado de tu carro". Dios... Yo me puse nerviosa, porque no sabía si salir o no, al final salí, porque me daba pena ser tan maleducada. Que conveniente. Él estaba en su carro, me subo y conversamos un poco, me dió las galletas, nos despedimos y se fue.

Creo que desde ese momento, comencé a sentir cosas por él, sin tocarlo ni besarlo porque no podía, ni siquiera podía recibir esas galletas, pero pasó y así fue. Estaba muy nerviosa, como niña haciendo cosas malas. Jaja

Luego de esa vez, me visitó un par de veces a mi trabajo, pero siempre con distancia, no quería que los trabajadores me vieran con él porque hablaban mucho en los pasillos y estaban muy pendiente de mí, me cuidaban.

Mantuvimos contacto vía teléfono, él pasaba temporadas fuera de la ciudad por trabajo, por lo que nuestro contacto cara a cara de hacia difícil, aunque quisiéramos vernos.

Al tiempo, por obra del destino, yo quedo soltera, algo quieras debió pasar mucho antes de agosto, solo que se alargó unos meses más. Cuando él regresó, nos vimos. Mi emoción era tan grande, que la primera noche que dormimos juntos, yo no dormí casi, no podía creer que lo tenía al lado. Mi emoción era gigante, mi corazón palpitaba y las mariposas en mi estómago estaban alborotadas.

Siempre que nos veíamos era en sitios privados, él al igual que yo, debíamos guardar privacidad por temas personales y así estabamos más cómodos. Hasta un día que salimos.

Fuimos a un evento, donde fue la primera vez que me di cuenta como me veía y se le ponían los ojos brillosos, se me quedó viendo un rato, de esos ratos que son incómodos. Ahí me di cuenta que el amor era mutuo.

Siempre pensé que él era perfecto, lo veía y mi corazón se aceleraba, me encantaba verlo, tocarlo y olerlo, escucharlo. Era algo que me llenaba el alma, el cuerpo y el corazón. Hoy día que no estamos juntos, puedo decir que aún me emociona verlo, escucharlo, pero no lo quiero tocar ni lo quiero oler. No estoy segura de eso pero vamos a creer que es así.

Luego de él me ha costado volver a poner mis ojos en alguien más, hasta ahora.



The story of the love of my life

Let's talk about love, how we find that love that we crave so much, that we love so much. A love to live it to the full, a love that changes our lives.

Today I don't want to talk to you about how I met the love of my life, I have never told this and I don't know why I remembered and wanted to write it down.

It was in August, on any given Friday, I posted a picture on Instagram saying that my day was boring. Back then, I hid in a room in the house where I lived because I didn't want to be near the people who lived with me at the time.

He writes to me and says: "where do you live?" I see the message and my heart breaks because when I saw that he was following me, I wasn't sure if it was the boy who was going to the place where I worked and he looked at me with shining eyes.

I immediately tell him that I can't tell him because at that moment I couldn't see him, due to certain circumstances that prevented me from seeing him. A few days later, he kept writing to me, but on time. One day, he writes to me and begins to ask me where I am, at that time I was working and he tells me that it is close that he was going to see me. I told him not to go because I wasn't going out.

At the end he writes me and says: "Come out, I brought you some cookies, I'm next to your car." God... I got nervous, because I didn't know whether to go out or not, in the end I went out, because I felt sorry for being so rude. How convenient. He was in his car, I got in and we talked a bit, he gave me the cookies, we said goodbye and he left.

I think from that moment, I started to have feelings for him, not touching him or kissing him because he couldn't, couldn't even get those cookies, but it happened and that's how it was. I was very nervous, like a girl doing bad things. Haha

After that time, he visited me a couple of times at work, but always from a distance, he did not want the workers to see me with him because they talked a lot in the corridors and were very aware of me, they took care of me.

We kept in touch by phone, he spent time out of town for work, so our face-to-face contact was difficult, even though we wanted to see each other.

Eventually, by fate, I'm single, something you want must have happened long before August, only it took a few more months. When he came back, we met. My emotion was so great that the first night we slept together, I hardly slept, I couldn't believe I had him by my side. My excitement was gigantic, my heart was pounding and the butterflies in my stomach were in an uproar.

Whenever we saw each other it was in private places, he, like me, had to keep privacy for personal reasons and that way we were more comfortable. Until one day we went out.

We went to an event, where it was the first time I realized how he saw me and his eyes were bright, he stared at me for a while, one of those times that are uncomfortable. That's when I realized that the love was mutual.

I always thought he was perfect, I saw him and my heart raced, I loved seeing him, touching him and smelling him, hearing him. It was something that filled my soul, body and heart. Today that we are not together, I can say that I am still excited to see him, to hear him, but I do not want to touch him nor do I want to smell him. I'm not sure about that, but let's believe it is.

After him it's been hard for me to put my eyes on someone else again, until now.

Soy Ana Fuentes💜💜

-Fotos Redmi Note 9S

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