#Love Is A Beautiful Thing

Azrul Aziz

Been in a relationship is a very beautiful thing, you get to spend time with the one you love.sometimes just been around the person in the same place doing individual stuff always give you peace mind.

Now some people might have had a pretty bad experience in one relationship or the other but let me tell you something there is still hope in finding the right person.

It takes two individuals to make a relationship work, cause where there is understanding, loyalty, and you don't jump to conclusions quickly your relationship is bound to last longer,understanding and making your partner feel loved should be above every other thing in the relationship.

Falling in love is the easy part. The challenge for couples is how to rekindle the fires of romance from time to time and cultivate the mature, trusting love that is the hallmark of a lasting relationship.

Understanding what makes your partner feel loved can help you navigate conflict and put romance back into your relationship.

Some people ask themselves what is love, in my own understanding "You can't explain what love is cause the way you feel about that person you can't just express it, the feelings and everything you experience is wonderful but sometimes it can leave you in fear".

I for example, the guy I'm with I'm so much in love with him but that fear that it's most likely to be a one-sided love keeps me from showing him all the love I have cause who wants their heart to be broken? definitely not me and I know you all don't want to experience that.

Love is sweet when you are with someone that values you, knows your worth and want to always be by your side supporting you.

#love&sexuality #love #neoxian #hive #relationship #couples

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