AI, Hieronymus Bosch and My Diary (March 5)

Today is March 5, 2023, and it's very good.

These images were generated on Dreamlike according to my prompts

Recently, respected Watchers have clarified one old rule of Hive: at least half of content in every post must be not only unique, but human-generated as well. I don't know about other users, but I clutched my heart, because now it turns out, that if I want to publish five AI-generated pictures, I have to paint five more pictures myself. But what if I painted my last picture at the age of 4, and its only viewer (a kindergarten teacher) was hospitalized with an acute brain disorder?
The solution was found instantly: I will not paint pictures, I will keep a diary. To read, or not to read, that is your choice, but don't forget the fate of my teacher (he still seems to be in rehab).

Well, March 5, 2023

Yesterday was National Grammar Day, did you know? And a couple of days ago was International Writer's Day. Am I the only one who thinks the logic here is a bit broken? First, a person must learn to read and write, and only then start writing stories, right? Don't look at me, I'm a happy exception from every rule.

But today I want to talk not about this, but about my neighbors. I live in an ordinary apartment building on the outskirts of a big city, other details are not needed. I think that all apartment buildings are built the same way: they can be cozy, warm and sometimes even spacious, but they have damn bad soundproofing. The worst soundproofing I've ever encountered was in a not-say-what-country, where I was aware of the smallest details of the digestion of each of my neighbors around the clock. Now I'm in another country, so it's a little quieter here, but only a little. I can't hear strangers going to the toilet, but in terms of bedrooms, everything is in order. Every sound, every creak, every breath. I hear it all. And not only me, the whole house hears it, and my bedroom too.

My girlfriend and I try not to make noise, but how do we know if we're doing it? My neighbors are tactful people, they never say anything. I don’t say anything to them either, although sometimes I hear from their bedroom that it would be better to hear their toilet. But do you know what I've learned over the years? We do not choose what we hear from our neighbors. We will listen to what they give us, as if in some totalitarian country we are attending some obligatory concert in honor of the centenary of some communist party.
This is how we live, this is how things work.

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