My fairly fast everyday make up!

My fairly fast everyday make up!

Let me start of by saying that I am NOT a make up artist! I might even say that I have zero knowledge about what I am doing! While I have been using make up since I was around 12 years old, I still discover new things and ways every single week! I enjoy watching make up videos but most of the time I don't use things from it! Call me stubborn, call me weird but I just want to do my own thing and not follow a set of rules for the way I look!
Today I am sharing my my fairly fast everyday make up! Fairly fast because I am skipping things and fairly because at times it takes me a freaking hour because I mess things up! I think a true make up artist can slam my look on their face in just 10 minutes though! Now to show the look I am going to blog about!


I would like to start by telling you all that I never loved the color pink until a few years ago! I never used it! Not on my nails, clothes and certainly never in my make up! As you can see, I now have a love for pink! I like how it gives me a softer look instead of all the harsh dark colors I used to plaster all over my face! Not that there is anything wrong with Gothic like make up and looks btw! I adore them still! Maybe my age is playing up and I want to go back to being a sweet little snekky? Who knows! Lets start with the first 2 steps!



I clean my face every morning with micellair water. The one I am using right now is Pure menthe from Yves rocher. I just use what I have until I find one that really steals my heart! This one is nice though!


Pampering the skin.

I use a day cream from Garnier, ultra lift because my skin is getting where ever it wishes to go these days! I have a feeling that if I did not use this cream my cheeks would be hanging on my knees by now! ((Laughs)) I have been using the same cream for a long time now. If I don't use it for a few days I really see a difference! I am chaotic! So, when I go on vacation, I often forget to pack it! Tips are welcome!


Prime time!

I never primed! I know, shocker! But I got this amazing primer in my Douglas advent calender this year and been using it ever since! I do notice a difference in the way my make up holds all day! I am not sure if it really makes my pores look better though! Maybe I am not using enough but I also don't want to over use a product and look like a freshly painted something! I use just enough to cover my skin with a thin layer. It feels a bit sticky but I guess thats a good thing!

skipping a step?

Yes, I am NOT using any foundation! I am also not using concealer under my eyes! Shocked? Since a few years I stopped using these products! I never really enjoyed the feeling on my skin and it made me feel like I was choking my skin off. Next to that, my skin does not look that bad from itself! I do have some spots and at times a outbreak of nasty pimples but I don't care! I rather feel my skin breath at least a bit! I will also say that I don't use bronzers and I also do not use contour! Maybe this is why my make up is fairly fast! I tried to contour.... Took me hours! Made me cranky and when I finally got it done, I looked into the mirror and found out I used the wrong colors! Never tried it again, not gonne try it either!


Little black line!

I always ues a black kohl pencil in my waterline. Been doing this from the start! I just like it. I know white makes your eyes look bigger but I think my eyes are big enough already! I am using the black pencil from Yves Rocher. It applies like magic and even at the end of the day, the line is still there!


Eye time!

I use two colors on my eyes! And yes, always the same colors! Boring! When I have a party or something special, like Christmas, I change the colors. For this look I used the Roses like this from Kruidvat palette and the liquid eyeshadow from Max and more from the Action! The shadows in the palette don't have a name but I use the dark pink one for the arcade and the light pink liquid for the moving eyelid. This is where I almost always mess up! Yupp every single day! The liquid eyeshadow does dry and it dries faster if you wave some wind over it with your hand! Then you wait before you open your eye! Uhu, I uhm yeah... So I mostly end up with this light pink on my arcade as well! Oh well! Still looks pretty after a few touch ups!


One good eye and one bad! What else can you wish for right? And I am not telling you lies by saying this happens every time! When will I learn my lesson? Tips are welcome! LOL!



The part I dread the most! I think I have poked myself in the eyes at least 58900 times! And that is such a weird sensation! Anywho, I like my lashes black so I have to! Right now I am using intense metamorphose by yves rocher. I bought this mascara because I always loved it! I stopped using it for a few years because I wanted to try some new things but grabbed back just a few months ago! I do not think this is magic mascara but for me it works best! I still have lashes sticking together and yes I still poke myself in the eyes witch causes me to, at times walk around with mascara on my moving eyelids! Bummer but mehhh! I do like the look of this mascara though, it really makes my lashes fuller and longer and they need that!


Blush you!

I used to hate my red cheeks! When I still used foundation, I plastered them so hard and full that all the color went poof in my face! And to make things worse, I did not use blush either! Lucky for me, I started to enjoy my cheeks! They make sure I look alive! I just tone them done a little by mixing two blushes together in a pinky tone! I use the Pink coral from Max and More and mix that with the insta blush from Revlon in the color tone 300 Rose gold kiss. When I mix these two they give me a color I really enjoy!
I also put some blush on my chin and the bridge of my nose!


Powder that a tad louder!

I do use some powder to mattify my skin! My skin is pretty oily and most days I prefer to have a tad more matt. I have used so many brands of powder but right now I am using a mattifying powder from the Hema! The color I use is 18 Soft sand. I have a super light skin and it's always a struggle to find the right color! This is the first time I am using this brand. I started to use it a few weeks ago and I can already tell you that I am going to buy it again!


Spark it up!

A quick thing I liketo add in the inner corners of my eyes and the tip of my nose is some highlighting sparkling powder! Not too much, just a little sploooof here and there to brighten the eye look and to do something sparkly to my cute nose! I got this little box in my advent calender last year and I also got the one my mom got!


Kiss me?

Please don't! LOL! I always use a lip balm under my lipstick! Right now I am wearing the A la framboise from Yves rocher but I use different ones each day! My lips are super dry and in Winter even more! If you start looking in my bag, jackets and house, you will find balms like everywhere! I also use the balm because it makes the lipsticks feel better for some reason! I always wear soft nudes on my lips! I prefer the Creme brullee colors! This is the chubby lip balm from Max and More! It gives me enough color to wear it like a lipstick!

All done!

If I am in a hurry I can do this look in 15 minutes! And I am sure I have done it even faster! yes that means I walked around with my light eyeshadow on my arcade and my mascara all over the place and probably my lipstick all over my teeth! But it can be done quick!

I think I wear this look at least 5 days a week! Sometimes I just like to not wear make up at all! Do you use a lot of make up? Do you mix things up or do you wear the same look just like me? I would love to read all about it!



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