Clown purple (ΕNG/ ΕSP)

Hola amigossss.. Ya llegamos a este grandioso mes, el cual es de mis meses favoritos por supuesto por la grandios epoca terrorifica y fascinante Halloween, donde me puedo maquillar muchisimo mas y ver mas pelis de terror .

Hello friends... We have arrived to this great month, which is one of my favorite months of course because of the great and fascinating Halloween, where I can make up a lot more and watch more horror movies.*

Realice un maquillaje de payaso purpura, quise hacerlo en mitad de mi cara, como representando la locura que podemos tener en nuestro interior.

I made a purple clown makeup, I wanted to do it in the middle of my face, as representing the madness that we can have inside us.*


Ya tenia mi piel preparada con base, asi comence aplicandome el rubor para darle un poco mas de color a mis mejillas, luego de eso realice una linea con una pequeña curva para asi alargar "la boca" y asi se viera como la del payaso, y la rellene con el color luego realice la nariz mezclando cuatro colores, entre ellos el purpura, fucsia, durazno y naranja clarito, estos mismo colores los utilice para realizar lo que seria el ojo y la linea entre la ceja y el parpado que es tan caracteristica de ellos.. Los colores los resalte muchisimos mas para que se vieran potenciados y no se perdieran al tomar la foto.. Luego de eso con pintura y sombra negra comence a remarcar los bordes de todo el maquillaje y difumine un poco por dentro con la misma sombra negra para que le diera profundidad y un poco de oscuridad, coloque un poco de rimel y asi quedo este maquillaje <3


I already had my skin prepared with foundation, so I started applying blush to give a little more color to my cheeks, after that I made a line with a small curve to lengthen “the mouth” and so it would look like the clown's. I then filled in the nose mixing four colors, among them purple, fuchsia, peach and light orange, and fill it with the color then I made the nose mixing four colors, among them purple, fuchsia, peach and light orange, these same colors I used to make what would be the eye and the line between the eyebrow and the eyelid that is so characteristic of them. . The colors were highlighted a lot more so that they would be enhanced and not lost when taking the picture. After that with paint and black shadow I began to highlight the edges of all the makeup and blur a little inside with the same black shadow to give it depth and a little darkness, put a little mascara and this is how the makeup looks like.

De verdad espero que a todos ustedes les guste, tanto como a mi.. Se vienen muchas cosas mas de halloween..Bye

I really hope you all like it, as much as I do... I have a lot more halloween stuff coming...Bye

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