🐝 Dear @Dayleeo — well that was the most packed monday in a very long time, clarity of vision.


oh man, that was a fun day.

everything came together perfectly in the end, and while i went back and forth one of those “magic bags” in hindsight i’d probably do it again if i had a late night plan to do shopping AND grab some food, realised i could go to the super market as it’s open until 10am — so do big shop before, grab that, with beer and wine in tow, jobs a good one.

slept in a little bit this morning, think i slept like a log thou, i mean it was kinda a lot of running around for most of the day and yet somehow it all came together. like i’ve said, combination of determination, better supplements, returning focus and transport hookup. pumped.

it’s a rainy day today, so perfect for me to get back into stuff knowing i’ve got some delicious foods in the fridge to last me a few days, so weird that i bought those vinaigrette things the other week, must have known i’d be doing some salad life at some point this month, get the balance right as the good old depeche would say.

Photo by Hello I’m Nik on Unsplash

switching back into projects mode today. don’t have anywhere i need to travel to so it’s a static day for me, rainy whays too. doing some analog chores and tunes on i reckon, it’s turbo tuesday after all right.

do think i need to get a chunk of exercise in as well today. i’m totally out of coffee so it’s gonna be a bit of a slog but i think i’ll get there, maybe i’ll see if i can get a flat white into my morning walk somehow, that way i’ll be ready to go after i’ve written to you — currently got the kettle boiling for a nice cup of tea (i wanna start having chai turmeric lattes, need to get all the stuff)

still in reflection mode about those areas of our life we put so much focus on, like that has so much hinged on it. like the way we wait for those things to come about or into view gracefully, it’s a liberating feeling to have it unlock the things you was hoping for, it never feels like what you expect, bit like the partner on YT (oh i’m at $4.20 today, ha!)

But i’m glad my “follow through” energy rocked up, as soon as i had the keys it was like, write the email and what was a cold response quickly turned into a solution because i had a way to get there easily, not putting on anyone in the process. perfect day, perfect timing tbh, on all the things, the food stuff, the birthday stuff and the covid digital passport pursuit! :)

may normally kicks my ass but this was much different this year and i’m happy for it, not sure what the supposed “summer” months will bring and how that’s gonna effect the roadmap for what i’m/we are doing now but we just operate on whatever data we have in front of us. i know your feeling that holding pattern feeling far to often. we need to move the needle on that.

last night would have been a perfect night for you to have been co-pilot, i know we would end up getting a few old rosies, some 80’s flicks on the screen, box of chinese each, knowing that i’m off for a few days and we can just slow down and plan things out, put a proper plan together, heck maybe throw out a bunch of junk and get down the local tip.

while i’m outta breakfast cereal and coffee right now it’s a bit of a logistics flip this week, few days i’ll be able to take care of it so it’s no big deal and i have “food” so it’s fine, really need to get back to long term storage thou, maybe some boxes of noodles in after the tidy down, i’ll have so much more space for a larder of sorts, tins and long term stuffs. yes, mam!

also real keen to flex on that topper and “travel” gear, i need a new bag, set of day clothes, some decent footwear and i’m good to go. soon as the stars align in the momentum chart you know i’ll be all over it.

hoping that your new contract starts to bear a little more fruit for you on your side too to keep that pot stacked up. Seems like a bit of end of the month lull period but i’m sure it’s gonna be a crazy few weeks/month ahead as summer time comes online and the frantic nature of what all small and remote businesses go through while people are enjoying the outside world again.

hey, crazy that i crushed 11k steps yesterday too, it’s been a long while since i got over 10k and i’m absolutely certain that it’s the tablets that are helping because i was getting to feel a little locked up around 5k in the hips department, guessing whatever is in the supplements is hitting the spot, i need to get those turmeric bad boys down me today too.

right, now nine, start of the day for many,
considering flat white into the equation to get the brain going,
may take a walk and make that happen.
time to get making, oh and gonna grab the m1 apple ready figma!

Turbo Tuesdaze, we woke or what?
Re-calibrate spawn drive to full.
Let’s get the coffee flowing.

I love you hunny.

Mouser x

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoblemusic video can you spot me?

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