🐝 Dear @Dayleeo — well july ain’t messing around, five days in already in a blink of an eye.


that weekend just went fast, like blink and you’ll miss it fast, i remember like finishing up on a job like early saturday morning and boom, like already here, yesterday was a blur, are you noticing that, like i know we have spoken about it but literally weeks into days.

maybe i’m just time travelling in my head a little, i know i woke up all kinds of ways last night, i went from bed to hammock, nodded off in the hammock for a good while (first time ever i think) and woke up to a dead leg.

Photo by Red Zeppelin on Unsplash

good news thou that inflammation had gone down so that whole like invert the legs situation worked out, i also think it’s pretty healthy to do that once in a while anyway, grabbed an ebook for exercises this morning — i’ve got far too many things to read right now but i’m collecting for future ipad reading times.

pogo dropped this yesterday? (recently anyway) and i thought of you, might have your tempo that you need for monday morning. i know you’ll be keen to get back into your course stuff regardless.

floating energy between obs and writing out copy this morning, think i’m gonna sink back into the copywriting flow this morning, the obs stuff is just not coming to me yet, i think that might be either later today or tomorrow, i’ve had real trouble shuffling my energy onto multitasking this morning as nothing needed doing — i still got up early thou.

think i’m gonna write this out and jump back into the hammock for an hour and see if i can get one of those little power naps as mental reboot energy for the rest of the day.

was super cool to get a little blog from you, i know it feels totally alien to use an immutable platform for it but it was great to receive, thank you. a constant reminder that any digital interaction can have a value attached to it, one of my favourite things about blockchain, being paid a micro transaction for it, however small.

it’s a real buyers market at the moment for people with bags who wanna sit on stuff for the long haul but i just cannot get motivated about it what with the constant stream of climate change news that i’m seeing - oceans in flames, buildings coming down because of mud slides in japan, all the stuff we were told about, nobody cared then, or now.

hard as a ground sign to keep a level forward motion head about me when the literally earth is moving at breakneck speed down hill — i wish i was more of a cloud/sky sign at times!

but we plug up the concentration gaps and we fill them with skills and things that allow us to flex into the real, the true, the now. i’ve got my twin ancient water bottles loaded back up and i’m ready to roll for the rest of the week.

it’s so weird i used to love constraints and time scales, used to make me more determined when i had a small stressful window to make things happen. Certainly don’t feel that way at the moment, it’s not apathy is just really difficult to branch out of macro focus on the present day.

regardless, we are still here, this is what we have in front of us, i’ve got things to make, at least i’ve started to add the new courses up, and the copy, and i’ll try and make some graphics today as well so at least i can visually see them — i’ve still not found that sweet spot with the course layout design, maybe a stream deck, physical hardware will take me out of the software and into what scenes i need to hit and record, done and dusted, out and gone.

i ran the numbers and just on what i get on passive, if that was 10x of where i was now, at least on one (two would be awesome) platforms i’d have everything i need to cover the monthly outgoings of today, that would open me up so much to expand from there, not having that constant nagging ya know.

boy needs to add in some major exercise in this week, walking and such like, feel like while my numbers of nearly 10k some days are pretty good on the days i’m out doing analog life stuff i think i’d sleep much better if i was like crazy tired by the end of the day, i love that whole body tiredness, helps so much.

Not much else to tell you love tbh at the moment, just focused up on the copy on the new courses, obs playing still, would like to get both crypto projects out on that and up for sale, launch that properly and get that graphic made in gumroad, i think i’m gonna look at those backgrounds you sent me the other week i think one of those could work.

well i think i wanna get that little power nap in before you wake, then drop back into copy and canva for the images, simple placeholders but if i can do that, find a rhythm maybe co-working together with you this afternoon can flow better in OBS, think i’ll sketch out some styles too, maybe that will help with what i’m trying to produce.. .

. .. regardless, with my chao theory brainwaves. ..

You have plenty of time, hugs.

Good Morning.
Mouser x

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoblemusic video can you spot me?

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